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2Image processing methods that are necessary but not exclusive to alignment procedures. 



5from typing import Tuple 

6import numpy as np 

7import scipy as sp 



10def compute_tukey_window( 

11 width: int, 

12 length: int = 0, 

13) -> np.ndarray[float]: 

14 """ 

15 Tukey window, an array with decreasing values at the border from 1 to 0. 

16 Here, the shape parameter $\alpha$ is always 0.2; see 

17 [here]( 

18 for more information. 


20 Parameters 

21 ---------- 

22 width 

23 Width of the window. 

24 length 

25 Length of the window; the default is 0. 


27 Returns 

28 ------- 

29 Tukey window, an array with dimensions :attr:`width` and :attr:`length`. 

30 """ 


32 W =, 0.2) 

33 W = np.transpose(W[:, np.newaxis]) 


35 if length > 0: 35 ↛ 41line 35 didn't jump to line 41, because the condition on line 35 was never false

36 V =, 0.2) 

37 V = V[:, np.newaxis] 

38 W = V * W 

39 W = W[..., np.newaxis] 

40 else: 

41 W = W[..., np.newaxis] 

42 return W 



45def get_img_grad( 

46 img: np.ndarray[float], 

47 x_axis_index: int = 1, 

48 y_axis_index: int = 0, 

49) -> Tuple[np.ndarray[float], np.ndarray[float]]: 

50 """ 

51 Compute the vertical and horizontal gradient of the image. 


53 Parameters 

54 ---------- 

55 img 

56 Image of wich we want to compute the gradient. 


58 Returns 

59 ------- 

60 Tuple of two arrays that respectively contain the horizontal 

61 and vertical gradient of the image. 

62 """ 


64 # check if its real, to enforce its type at the end 

65 is_real = ~np.iscomplexobj(img) 


67 Np = np.shape(img) 


69 # defining a basis vector 

70 vector = np.linspace(0, (Np[1] - 1) / (Np[1] + np.finfo(float).eps), Np[1]) 

71 Y = 1j * 2 * np.pi * (np.fft.fftshift(vector) - 0.5) 

72 # Fourier transform on a list of vectors, i.e., FFT in one direction only 

73 f_img_Y = np.fft.fft(img, axis=1) 

74 # compute gradient in Fourier space 

75 dY = f_img_Y * np.transpose(Y[:, np.newaxis]) 

76 # back to direct space 

77 dY = np.fft.ifft(dY, axis=1) 


79 vector = np.linspace(0, (Np[0] - 1) / (Np[0] + np.finfo(float).eps), Np[0]) 

80 X = 1j * 2 * np.pi * (np.fft.fftshift(vector) - 0.5) 

81 # Fourier transform on a list of vector, i.e., FFT in one direction only 

82 f_img_X = np.fft.fft(img, axis=0) 

83 # compute gradient in Fourier space 

84 dX = np.transpose(np.transpose(f_img_X) * X[np.newaxis, :]) 

85 # back to direct space 

86 dX = np.fft.ifft(dX, axis=0) 


88 # force real if it was 

89 if is_real: 89 ↛ 93line 89 didn't jump to line 93, because the condition on line 89 was never false

90 dX = np.real(dX) 

91 dY = np.real(dY) 


93 if x_axis_index == 0: 

94 return dX, dY 

95 # else invert them 

96 return dY, dX 



99def imshift_fft( 

100 img: np.ndarray[float], 

101 x: np.ndarray[float], 

102 y: np.ndarray[float], 

103) -> np.ndarray[float]: 

104 """ 

105 Apply subpixel shift to a stack of images in direct space. 


107 Parameters 

108 ---------- 

109 img 

110 Stack of images to translate; the array should have three dimensions, 

111 the last of which corresponds to the index relative to the stack. 

112 x 

113 Translation to apply along the 0 axis, for each image of the stack. 

114 y 

115 Translation to apply along the 1 axis, for each image of the stack. 


117 Returns 

118 ------- 

119 Translated stack of images as a three-dimensional array. 

120 """ 


122 if len(x) != img.shape[-1]: 122 ↛ 123line 122 didn't jump to line 123, because the condition on line 122 was never true

123 raise ValueError(f'The length of x ({len(x)}) does not match the' 

124 f' third dimension of the input stack ({img.shape[-1]}).') 

125 if len(y) != img.shape[-1]: 125 ↛ 126line 125 didn't jump to line 126, because the condition on line 125 was never true

126 raise ValueError(f'The length of y ({len(y)}) does not match the' 

127 f' third dimension of the input stack ({img.shape[-1]}).') 


129 img_t = np.zeros(img.shape, dtype=complex) 


131 # apply shift per image 

132 for index in range(img.shape[-1]): 

133 # do not use FFT shift, as its in a way included in the fourier_shift function, 

134 # and back to direct space 

135 tmp = np.fft.fft2(img[:, :, index]) 

136 tmp = sp.ndimage.fourier_shift(tmp, (x[index], y[index])) 

137 img_t[:, :, index] = np.fft.ifft2(tmp) 

138 return np.real(img_t) 



141def smooth_edges( 

142 img: np.ndarray[float], 

143 smooth_kernel: int = 3, 

144) -> np.ndarray[float]: 

145 """Given a stack of 2D images this function smoothens the border of 

146 the images to avoid sharp edge artefacts during imshift_fft. 


148 Parameters 

149 ---------- 

150 img 

151 Stack of images, for which to smoothen the edges; the array should 

152 have three dimensions, the last of which corresponds to the index 

153 relative to the stack. 

154 smooth_kernel : int, optional 

155 Size of the smoothing region. 


157 Returns 

158 ------- 

159 Stack of images with smoothened edges. 

160 """ 


162 # init 

163 Npix = np.shape(img) 

164 smooth_img = img 


166 # we do the smoothing on the two axes 

167 for i in range(2): 

168 # the middle coordinates of the image along the current axis 

169 half = int(np.ceil(Npix[i] / 2)) 

170 # roll push and we want to pull, therefore we put a negative sign 

171 smooth_img = np.roll(smooth_img, -half, axis=i) 

172 # define the range of data that we are going to smoothen 

173 indices = half + np.linspace(-smooth_kernel, smooth_kernel, 2 * smooth_kernel + 1).astype(int) - 1 

174 # define the smoothing kernel 

175 ker_size = [1, 1, 1] 

176 # on the appropriate dimension we shape the kernel to the wanted size 

177 ker_size[i] = smooth_kernel 


179 # we extract the data that we want to smoothen, on the appropriate range and axis 

180 if i == 0: 

181 img_tmp = smooth_img[indices, :, ...] 

182 else: 

183 img_tmp = smooth_img[:, indices, ...] 

184 # smoothen across the image edges by convolution 

185 img_tmp = sp.ndimage.convolve(img_tmp, np.ones(ker_size), mode='constant') 


187 # avoid boundary issues 

188 boundary_shape = [1, 1, 1] 

189 boundary_shape[i] = 2 * smooth_kernel + 1 


191 # compute the core convolution that was applied 

192 convolution = sp.ndimage.convolve(np.ones(boundary_shape), np.ones(ker_size), mode='constant') 


194 # remove it from the image 

195 img_tmp = img_tmp / (convolution + np.finfo(float).eps) 

196 # what is left is just a convolution of the border 


198 # store the result on top of the original image, on the appriate range and axis 

199 if i == 0: 

200 smooth_img[indices, :, ...] = img_tmp 

201 else: 

202 smooth_img[:, indices, ...] = img_tmp 

203 # roll push 

204 smooth_img = np.roll(smooth_img, half, axis=i) 

205 return smooth_img 



208def imfilter_high_pass_1d( 

209 img: np.ndarray[float], 

210 ax: int, 

211 sigma: float, 

212) -> np.ndarray[float]: 

213 """Applies an FFT filter along the :attr:`ax` dimension that removes 

214 :attr:`sigma` ratio of the low frequencies. 


216 Parameters 

217 ---------- 

218 img 

219 Input image as a two-dimensional array. 

220 ax 

221 Filtering axis. 

222 sigma 

223 Filtering intensity; should be between 0 and 1, 

224 where a value <=0 implies no filtering. 


226 Returns 

227 ------- 

228 The filtered image. 

229 """ 


231 if sigma <= 0: 231 ↛ 232line 231 didn't jump to line 232, because the condition on line 231 was never true

232 return img 

233 Ndims = np.ndim(img) 

234 Npix = np.shape(img) 

235 shape = np.ones((Ndims)) 

236 shape[ax] = Npix[ax] 


238 isReal = ~np.iscomplexobj(img) 


240 img_f = np.fft.fft(img, axis=ax) 


242 # create 

243 x = np.linspace(-Npix[ax] / 2, Npix[ax] / 2 - 1, Npix[ax]) / (Npix[ax] + np.finfo(float).eps) 

244 x = np.reshape(x, shape.astype(int)) 


246 # compute spectral filter 

247 spectral_filter = np.fft.fftshift( 

248 np.exp(1 / (-(x**2 + np.finfo(float).eps) / (sigma**2 + np.finfo(float).eps))) 

249 ) 


251 img_f = img_f * spectral_filter 

252 img_filt = np.fft.ifft(img_f, axis=ax) 


254 if isReal: 254 ↛ 256line 254 didn't jump to line 256, because the condition on line 254 was never false

255 img_filt = np.real(img_filt) 

256 return img_filt 



259def center( 

260 tomogram: np.ndarray[float], 

261 use_shift: bool = True, 

262) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: 

263 """Find the center of mass of :attr:`tomogram` and return the 

264 displacement vector to find it at a given rate step, calculate 

265 variance if needed. 


267 Parameters 

268 ---------- 

269 tomogram 

270 A tomogram in the form of a stack of 2D images; the array should have three dimensions, 

271 the last of which corresponds to the index relative to the stack. 

272 use_shift 

273 If ``True``, the center of mass is calculated relative to the center of the image. 


275 Returns 

276 ------- 

277 A tuple that comprises the the x and y coordinates of 

278 the barycenter of mass as well as the mass. 

279 """ 


281 # size 

282 size_y = np.size(tomogram, 1) 

283 size_x = np.size(tomogram, 0) 


285 # the mass is just the sum of the values 

286 mass = np.sum(tomogram, axis=(0, 1)) + np.finfo(float).eps # epsilon to avoid zero division latter 


288 # defining the grid to compute the barycenter 

289 xgrid = np.arange(0, size_x) + 1 

290 ygrid = np.transpose(np.arange(0, size_y) + 1) 


292 # compute the barycenter of mass 

293 pos_x = np.sum(xgrid[..., np.newaxis] * np.sum(tomogram, 1), 0) / mass # sum on y, to weight the x 

294 pos_y = np.sum(ygrid[..., np.newaxis] * np.sum(tomogram, 0), 0) / mass # sum on x, to weigth the y 


296 if use_shift: 296 ↛ 299line 296 didn't jump to line 299, because the condition on line 296 was never false

297 pos_x = pos_x - (size_x + 1) / 2 # defined so that center(ones(N), use_shift = true) == [0,0] 

298 pos_y = pos_y - (size_y + 1) / 2 # defined so that center(ones(N), use_shift = true) == [0,0] 

299 return pos_x, pos_y, mass # pos_y => shift on the axis 1 ; pos_x => shift on the axis 0