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1import logging 


3import numpy as np 

4from numpy.typing import NDArray 

5from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple 



8logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 



11def get_transmittivities(diode: NDArray, 

12 normalize_per_projection: bool = False, 

13 normalization_percentile: float = 99.9, 

14 cutoff_values: Tuple[float, float] = (1e-4, 1.0)) -> Dict[str, Any]: 

15 r""" Calculates the transmittivity from the diode, i.e., the fraction of transmitted 

16 intensity relative to a high percentile. 


18 Notes 

19 ----- 


21 Diode readouts may be given in various formats such as a count or a current. 

22 When doing absorption tomography, one is generally interested in the fraction of 

23 transmitted intensity. Since we do not generally have access to the incoming flux, 

24 or its theoretical readout at complete transmission, we can instead normalize 

25 the diode readout based on the largest values, where the beam has only passed through 

26 some air. We thus want to compute 


28 .. math:: 

29 T(i, j, k) = \frac{I_T(i, j, k)}{I_0} 


31 where :math:`I_T(i, j, k)` is the diode readout value at projection :math:`i`, and pixel :math:`(j, k)` 

32 with the approximation :math:`I_0 \approx \text{max}(I_T(i, j, k))`. 


34 To avoid routine normalization based on individual spurious readouts 

35 (from, e.g., hot pixels), by default the normalization is done based on the 

36 99.9th percentile rather than the strict maximum. 

37 The normalized values are then clipped to the interval specified 

38 by :attr:`cutoff_values`, by default ``(1e-4, 1.0)``. A mask is returned which masks out 

39 any values outside this range, which can be useful to mask out spurious readouts. 


41 If the transmittivities are to be used to normalize :term:`SAXS` data, one should 

42 leave the :attr:`normalize_per_projection` option at ``False``, because the :term:`SAXS` data 

43 also scales with the incoming flux, and thus we want any variations in flux between 

44 projections to be preserved in the transmittivities. 


46 However, if the transmittivities are to be used for transmission (or absorption) tomography, 

47 then the :attr:`normalize_per_projection` 

48 option should be set to ``True``. Since we are interested in the transmittivity 

49 of the sample irrespective of the incoming flux, we are therefore better off assuming 

50 the flux is constant over each projection. This corresponds to the slightly modified computation 


52 .. math:: 

53 T(i, j, k) = \frac{I_T(i, j, k)}{I_0(i)} 


55 with the approximation :math:`I_0(i) \approx \text{max}_{j, k}(I_T(i, j, k))`, 

56 with the understanding that we take the maximum value for each projection :math:`i`. 


58 Parameters 

59 ---------- 

60 diode 

61 An array of diode readouts. 

62 normalize_per_projection 

63 If ``True``, the diode will be normalized projection-wise. 

64 This is the appropriate choice for absorption tomography. 

65 For :term:`SAXS`, it is preferable to normalize the diode across the entire set 

66 of diode measurements in order to account for possible variations in flux. 

67 Default value is ``False``. 

68 normalization_percentile 

69 The percentile of values in either the entire set of diode measurements or each projection 

70 (depending on :attr:`normalize_per_projection`) to use for normalization. 

71 The default value is ``99.9``. Values above this range will be clipped. If you are 

72 certain that you do not have spuriously large diode readout values, you can specify 

73 ``100.`` as the percentile instead. 

74 cutoff_values 

75 The cutoffs to use for the transmittivity calculation. Default value is 

76 ``(1e-4, 1.0)``, i.e., one part in ten thousand for the lower bound, and 

77 a hundred percent for the upper bound. For values outside of this range, it may 

78 be desirable to mask them out during *any* calculation. For this purpose, 

79 a ``cutoff_mask`` is included in the return dictionary with the same shape as 

80 the weights in :attr:`projections`. 

81 In some cases, you may wish to specify other bounds. For example, if you know that 

82 your sample is embedded in a substrate which reduces the maximum possible transmittivity, 

83 you may wish to lower the upper bound. If you know that your sample has extremely low 

84 transmittivity (perhaps compensated with a very long exposure time), then you can set 

85 the lower cutoff even lower. 

86 The cutoffs must lie within the open interval ``(0, 1]``. A lower bound of ``0`` 

87 is not permitted since this would lead to an invalid absorbance. 


89 Returns 

90 ------- 

91 A dictionary with three entries, ``transmittivity``, ``cutoff_mask_lower``, 

92 and ``cutoff_mask_upper``. 

93 """ 

94 if cutoff_values[0] <= 0 or cutoff_values[1] > 1: 94 ↛ 95line 94 didn't jump to line 95, because the condition on line 94 was never true

95 raise ValueError('cutoff_values must lie in the open interval (0, 1], but' 

96 f' cutoff values of {cutoff_values} were specified!') 

97 # These should already be copies, but for future-proofing. 

98 transmittivity = diode.copy() 

99 cutoff_mask_lower = np.ones_like(diode)[..., None] 

100 cutoff_mask_upper = np.ones_like(diode)[..., None] 

101 if normalize_per_projection: 101 ↛ 111line 101 didn't jump to line 111, because the condition on line 101 was never false

102 for i, t in enumerate(transmittivity): 

103 # Normalize each projection's maximum value to 1, cutting off values outside the range. 

104 normalization_value = np.percentile(t, normalization_percentile) 

105 transmittivity[i] = t * np.reciprocal(normalization_value) 

106 cutoff_mask_lower[i] = (transmittivity[i, ..., None] >= cutoff_values[0]) 

107 cutoff_mask_upper[i] = (transmittivity[i, ..., None] <= cutoff_values[1]) 

108 np.clip(transmittivity[i], *cutoff_values, out=transmittivity[i]) 

109 else: 

110 # Normalize the maximum value of all projections to 1, cutting off values outside the range. 

111 normalization_value = np.percentile(transmittivity, normalization_percentile) 

112 transmittivity *= np.reciprocal(normalization_value) 

113 cutoff_mask_lower = (transmittivity[..., None] >= cutoff_values[0]) 

114 cutoff_mask_upper = (transmittivity[..., None] <= cutoff_values[1]) 

115 np.clip(transmittivity, *cutoff_values, out=transmittivity) 


117 return dict(transmittivity=transmittivity, cutoff_mask_lower=cutoff_mask_lower, 

118 cutoff_mask_upper=cutoff_mask_upper) 



121def get_absorbances(diode: NDArray, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: 

122 r""" Calculates the absorbance based on the transmittivity of the diode data. 


124 Notes 

125 ----- 

126 The absorbance is defined as the negative base-10 logarithm of the transmittivity. 

127 Specifically, 


129 .. math:: 

130 A(i, j, k) = -\log_{10}(T(i, j, k)) 


132 where :math:`T` is the transmittivity, normalized to the open interval :math:`(0, 1]`. 

133 It can be inferred from this formula why :math:`T(i, j, k)` must not have values which 

134 are equal to or smaller than :math:`0`, as that would give a non-finite absorbance. 

135 Similarly, values greater than :math:`1` would result in physically impossible negative 

136 absorbances. 


138 The transmittivity is calculated directly from diode readouts, which may or may not already 

139 be normalized and clipped. When using already normalized diode values, it is best 

140 to set the keyword argument :attr:`normalization_percentile` to ``100``, and the 

141 argument :attr:`cutoff_values` to whatever cutoff your normalization used. 


143 See :func:`get_transmittivities` for more details on the transmittivity calculation. 


145 Parameters 

146 ---------- 

147 diode 

148 An array of diode readouts. 

149 kwargs 

150 Keyword arguments which are passed on to :func:`get_transmittivities`. 


152 Returns 

153 ------- 

154 A dictionary with the absorbance, and the union of the cutoff masks from 

155 :func:`get_transmittivities`. 

156 """ 


158 transmittivity_dictionary = get_transmittivities(diode, **kwargs) 

159 transmittivity = transmittivity_dictionary['transmittivity'] 

160 absorbances = -np.log10(transmittivity) 

161 assert np.all(np.isfinite(absorbances)) 

162 return dict(absorbances=absorbances[..., None], 

163 cutoff_mask=(transmittivity_dictionary['cutoff_mask_lower'] * 

164 transmittivity_dictionary['cutoff_mask_upper']))