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1import logging 

2import numpy as np 


4from abc import ABC, abstractmethod 

5from mumott import ProbedCoordinates 

6from scipy.integrate import simpson, romb, trapezoid 

7from scipy.sparse import csr_array 


9from numpy.typing import NDArray 


11logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 



14class BasisSet(ABC): 


16 """This is the base class from which specific basis sets are being derived. 

17 """ 


19 def __init__(self, 

20 probed_coordinates: ProbedCoordinates = None, 

21 **kwargs): 

22 if probed_coordinates is None: 

23 probed_coordinates = ProbedCoordinates() 

24 self.probed_coordinates = probed_coordinates 

25 self._integration_mode = kwargs.get('integration_mode', 'simpson') 

26 if self._integration_mode not in ('simpson', 'romberg', 'trapezoid', 'midpoint'): 26 ↛ 27line 26 didn't jump to line 27, because the condition on line 26 was never true

27 raise ValueError('integration_mode must be "simpson" (for integration with Simpson\'s rule), ' 

28 ' "midpoint" (for center-of-segment approximation), "romberg", or "trapezoid"!') 

29 self._integration_tolerance = kwargs.get('integration_tolerance', 1e-5) 

30 self._integration_maxiter = kwargs.get('integration_maxiter', 10) 

31 self._n_integration_starting_points = kwargs.get('n_integration_starting_points', 3) 

32 self._enforce_sparsity = kwargs.get('enforce_sparsity', False) 

33 self._sparsity_count = kwargs.get('sparsity_count', 3) 


35 @property 

36 def probed_coordinates(self) -> ProbedCoordinates: 

37 return self._probed_coordinates 


39 @probed_coordinates.setter 

40 def probed_coordinates(self, pc: ProbedCoordinates) -> None: 

41 self._probed_coordinates = pc 


43 @abstractmethod 

44 def forward(self, 

45 coefficients: NDArray, 

46 indices: NDArray = None) -> NDArray: 

47 pass 


49 @abstractmethod 

50 def gradient(self, 

51 coefficients: NDArray, 

52 indices: NDArray = None) -> NDArray: 

53 pass 


55 @abstractmethod 

56 def get_spherical_harmonic_coefficients(self, 

57 coefficients: NDArray, 

58 ell_max: int = None,) -> NDArray: 

59 pass 


61 @abstractmethod 

62 def _get_projection_matrix(self, probed_coordinates: ProbedCoordinates): 

63 pass 


65 def generate_map(self, 

66 coefficients: NDArray[float], 

67 resolution_in_degrees: int = 5, 

68 map_half_sphere: bool = True) -> tuple[NDArray]: 

69 """ Generate a (theta, phi) map of the function modeled by the input coefficients. 

70 If :attr:`map_half_sphere=True` (default) a map of only the z>0 half sphere is returned. 


72 Parameters 

73 ---------- 

74 coefficients 

75 One dimensional numpy array with length ``len(self)`` containing the coefficients 

76 of the function to be plotted. 

77 resolution_in_degrees 

78 The resoution of the map in degrees. The map uses eqidistant lines in longitude 

79 and latitude. 

80 map_half_sphere 

81 If `True` returns a map of the z>0 half sphere. 


83 Returns 

84 ------- 

85 map_intensity 

86 Intensity values of the map. 

87 map_theta 

88 Polar cooridnates of the map. 

89 map_phi 

90 Azimuthal coordinates of the map. 

91 """ 

92 # Generate coordinates. 

93 if map_half_sphere: 

94 steps = int(np.ceil(90/resolution_in_degrees)) 

95 map_theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi/2, steps + 1) 

96 else: 

97 steps = int(np.ceil(180/resolution_in_degrees)) 

98 map_theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, steps + 1) 

99 steps = int(np.ceil(360/resolution_in_degrees)) 

100 map_phi = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, steps + 1) 

101 map_theta, map_phi = np.meshgrid(map_theta, map_phi, indexing='ij') 


103 # Create a ProbedCoordinates to pass into `_get_projection_matrix` 

104 x = np.cos(map_phi)*np.sin(map_theta) 

105 y = np.sin(map_phi)*np.sin(map_theta) 

106 z = np.cos(map_theta) 

107 vector = np.stack((x, y, z), axis=-1) 

108 probed_coordinates = ProbedCoordinates() 

109 probed_coordinates.vector = vector[:, :, np.newaxis, :] 


111 # Evaluate map intensity 

112 basis_funciton_values = self._get_projection_matrix(probed_coordinates)[:, :, 0, :] 

113 map_intensity = np.einsum('m,tpm->tp', coefficients, basis_funciton_values) 

114 return map_intensity, map_theta, map_phi 


116 def _make_projection_matrix_sparse(self, matrix: np.ndarray[float]) -> np.ndarray[float]: 

117 if self._enforce_sparsity: 

118 for i in range(matrix.shape[0]): 

119 for j in range(matrix.shape[1]): 

120 sorted_args = np.argsort(matrix[i, j, :]) 

121 for k in sorted_args[:-self._sparsity_count]: 

122 matrix[i, j, k] = 0. 


124 def _get_integrated_projection_matrix(self, probed_coordinates: ProbedCoordinates = None): 

125 """ Uses Simpson's rule to integrate the basis set representation over 

126 each detector segment on the unit sphere.""" 

127 # use 0 and -1 for backwards compatibility 

128 if probed_coordinates is None: 

129 probed_coordinates = self.probed_coordinates 

130 start = probed_coordinates.vector[..., 0, :] 

131 # don't normalize in-place to avoid modifying probed_coordinates 

132 start = start / np.linalg.norm(start, axis=-1)[..., None] 

133 start = start[..., None, :] 

134 end = probed_coordinates.vector[..., -1, :] 

135 end = end / np.linalg.norm(end, axis=-1)[..., None] 

136 end = end[..., None, :] 

137 # if segments lie on small circle, correct using waxs offset vector before slerp 

138 offset = probed_coordinates.great_circle_offset[..., 0, :] 

139 offset = offset[..., None, :] 

140 # when run initially with probed_coordinates = None or similar 

141 if np.allclose(start, end): 

142 return self._get_projection_matrix(probed_coordinates)[:, :, 0] 

143 if self._integration_mode == 'midpoint': 

144 # Just use central point to get the projection matrix. 

145 pc = ProbedCoordinates(probed_coordinates.vector[..., 1:2, :]) 

146 return self._get_projection_matrix(pc)[..., 0, :] 

147 # segment length is subtended angle between start and end 

148 corr_start = start - offset 

149 corr_end = end - offset 

150 segment_length = np.arccos(np.einsum('...i, ...i', corr_start, corr_end)) 


152 def slerp(t): 

153 omega = segment_length.reshape(segment_length.shape + (1,)) 

154 t = t.reshape(1, 1, -1, 1) 

155 # avoid division by 0, use 1st order approximation 

156 where = np.isclose(abs(omega[..., 0, 0]), 0.) 

157 sin_omega = np.sin(omega) 

158 sin_tomega = np.sin(t * omega) 

159 sin_1mtomega = np.sin((1 - t) * omega) 

160 a = np.zeros(start.shape[:2] + (t.shape[2], 1), dtype=float) 

161 b = np.zeros(start.shape[:2] + (t.shape[2], 1), dtype=float) 

162 a[~where] = sin_1mtomega[~where] / sin_omega[~where] 

163 b[~where] = sin_tomega[~where] / sin_omega[~where] 

164 # sin(ax) / sin(x) ~ a for x ~ 0 

165 a[where] = (1 - t) * np.ones_like(omega[where]) 

166 b[where] = t * np.ones_like(omega[where]) 

167 return a * corr_start + b * corr_end + offset 


169 def quadrature(matrix, t): 

170 if self._integration_mode == 'simpson': 

171 return simpson(matrix, x=t, axis=-2) 

172 elif self._integration_mode == 'romberg': 

173 return romb(matrix, dx=1 / (t.size - 1), axis=-2) 

174 elif self._integration_mode == 'trapezoid': 174 ↛ exitline 174 didn't return from function 'quadrature', because the condition on line 174 was never false

175 return trapezoid(matrix, x=t, axis=-2) 

176 number_of_points = self._n_integration_starting_points 

177 t = np.linspace(0, 1, number_of_points) 

178 pc = ProbedCoordinates(slerp(t)) 

179 old_matrix = self._get_projection_matrix(pc) 

180 # get an initial matrix for comparison 

181 old_matrix = quadrature(old_matrix, t) 

182 for i in range(self._integration_maxiter): 

183 # double the number of intervals in each iteration 

184 number_of_points += max(number_of_points - 1, 1) 

185 t = np.linspace(0, 1, number_of_points) 

186 vector = slerp(t) 

187 pc = ProbedCoordinates(vector) 

188 # integrate all matrices using simpson's rule 

189 new_matrix = quadrature(self._get_projection_matrix(pc), t) 

190 norm = np.max(abs(new_matrix - old_matrix)) / np.max(abs(new_matrix)) 

191 if norm < self._integration_tolerance: 

192 break 

193 old_matrix = new_matrix 

194 else: 

195 logger.warning('Projection matrix did not converge! ' 

196 'Try increasing integration_maxiter or reducing integration_tolerance.') 

197 self._make_projection_matrix_sparse(new_matrix) 

198 return new_matrix 


200 @property 

201 def integration_mode(self) -> str: 

202 """ 

203 Mode of integration for calculating projection matrix. 

204 Accepted values are ``'simpson'``, ``'romberg'``, ``'trapezoid'``, 

205 and ``'midpoint'``. 

206 """ 

207 return self._integration_mode 


209 @integration_mode.setter 

210 def integration_mode(self, val) -> None: 

211 if val not in ('simpson', 'midpoint', 'romberg'): 211 ↛ 212line 211 didn't jump to line 212, because the condition on line 211 was never true

212 raise ValueError('integration_mode must have value "midpoint", ' 

213 '"romberg", "trapezoid" or "simpson", ' 

214 f'but a value of {val} was given!') 

215 self._integration_mode = val 

216 self._projection_matrix = self._get_integrated_projection_matrix() 


218 @abstractmethod 

219 def get_output(self, 

220 coefficients: NDArray) -> dict: 

221 pass 


223 @abstractmethod 

224 def __len__(self) -> int: 

225 pass 


227 @abstractmethod 

228 def __dict__(self) -> dict: 

229 pass 


231 @abstractmethod 

232 def __str__(self) -> str: 

233 pass 


235 @abstractmethod 

236 def _repr_html_(self) -> str: 

237 pass 


239 @property 

240 def csr_representation(self) -> tuple: 

241 """ The projection matrix as a stack of sparse matrices in 

242 CSR representation as a tuple. The information in the tuple consists of 

243 the 3 dense matrices making up the representation, 

244 in the order ``(pointers, indices, data)``.""" 

245 nnz = np.max((self._projection_matrix > 0).sum((-1, -2))) 

246 sparse_data = np.zeros((self._projection_matrix.shape[0], nnz), dtype=np.float32) 

247 sparse_indices = np.zeros((self._projection_matrix.shape[0], nnz), dtype=np.int32) 

248 sparse_pointers = np.zeros((self._projection_matrix.shape[0], 

249 self._projection_matrix.shape[1] + 1), dtype=np.int32) 

250 for i in range(self._projection_matrix.shape[0]): 

251 sparse_matrix = csr_array(self._projection_matrix[i]) 

252 sparse_matrix.eliminate_zeros() 

253 sparse_data[i, :sparse_matrix.nnz] = 

254 sparse_indices[i, :sparse_matrix.nnz] = sparse_matrix.indices 

255 sparse_pointers[i, :len(sparse_matrix.indptr)] = sparse_matrix.indptr 

256 return sparse_pointers, sparse_indices, sparse_data