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1import logging 

2from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple 

3from copy import deepcopy 


5import numpy as np 

6from numpy.typing import NDArray 


8from mumott import ProbedCoordinates, DataContainer, Geometry, SphericalHarmonicMapper 

9from mumott.core.hashing import list_to_hash 

10from mumott.methods.utilities.tensor_operations import (framewise_contraction, 

11 framewise_contraction_transpose) 

12from .base_basis_set import BasisSet 


14logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) 



17class NearestNeighbor(BasisSet): 

18 r""" Basis set class for nearest-neighbor interpolation. Used to construct methods similar to that 

19 presented in `Schaff et al. (2015) <>`_. 

20 By default this representation is sparse and maps only a single direction on the sphere 

21 to each detector segment. This can be changed; see ``kwargs``. 


23 Parameters 

24 ---------- 

25 directions : NDArray[float] 

26 Two-dimensional Array containing the ``N`` sensitivity directions with shape ``(N, 3)``. 

27 probed_coordinates : ProbedCoordinates 

28 Optional. Coordinates on the sphere probed at each detector segment by the 

29 experimental method. Its construction from the system geometry is method-dependent. 

30 By default, an empty instance of :class:`mumott.ProbedCoordinates` is created. 

31 enforce_friedel_symmetry : bool 

32 If set to ``True``, Friedel symmetry will be enforced, using the assumption that points 

33 on opposite sides of the sphere are equivalent. 

34 kwargs 

35 Miscellaneous arguments which relate to segment integrations can be 

36 passed as keyword arguments: 


38 integration_mode 

39 Mode to integrate line segments on the reciprocal space sphere. Possible options are 

40 ``'simpson'``, ``'midpoint'``, ``'romberg'``, ``'trapezoid'``. 

41 ``'simpson'``, ``'trapezoid'``, and ``'romberg'`` use adaptive 

42 integration with the respective quadrature rule from ``scipy.integrate``. 

43 ``'midpoint'`` uses a single mid-point approximation of the integral. 

44 Default value is ``'simpson'``. 


46 n_integration_starting_points 

47 Number of points used in the first iteration of the adaptive integration. 

48 The number increases by the rule ``N`` &larr; ``2 * N - 1`` for each iteration. 

49 Default value is 3. 

50 integration_tolerance 

51 Tolerance for the maximum relative error between iterations before the integral 

52 is considered converged. Default is ``1e-3``. 


54 integration_maxiter 

55 Maximum number of iterations. Default is ``10``. 

56 enforce_sparsity 

57 If ``True``, limites the number of basis set elements 

58 that can map to each detector segemnt. Default is ``False``. 

59 sparsity_count 

60 If ``enforce_sparsity`` is set to ``True``, the number of 

61 basis set elements that can map to each detector segment. 

62 Default value is ``1``. 

63 """ 

64 def __init__(self, 

65 directions: NDArray[float], 

66 probed_coordinates: ProbedCoordinates = None, 

67 enforce_friedel_symmetry: bool = True, 

68 **kwargs): 

69 # This basis set struggles with integral convergence due to sharp transitions 

70 kwargs.update(dict(integration_tolerance=kwargs.get('integration_tolerance', 1e-3), 

71 sparsity_count=kwargs.get('sparsity_count', 1))) 

72 super().__init__(probed_coordinates, **kwargs) 

73 # Handling grid of directions 

74 self._number_of_coefficients = directions.shape[0] 

75 if enforce_friedel_symmetry: 75 ↛ 78line 75 didn't jump to line 78, because the condition on line 75 was never false

76 self._directions_full = np.concatenate((directions, -directions), axis=0) 

77 else: 

78 self._directions_full = np.array(directions) 


80 self._probed_coordinates_hash = hash(self.probed_coordinates) 


82 self._enforce_friedel_symmetry = enforce_friedel_symmetry 

83 self._projection_matrix = self._get_integrated_projection_matrix() 


85 def find_nearest_neighbor_index(self, probed_directions: NDArray[float]) -> NDArray[int]: 

86 """ 

87 Caluculate the nearest neighbor sensitivity directions for an array of x-y-z vectors. 


89 Parameters 

90 ---------- 

91 probed_directions 

92 Array with length 3 along its last axis 


94 Returns 

95 ------- 

96 Array with same shape as the input except for the last dimension, which 

97 contains the index of the nearest-neighbor sensitivity direction. 

98 """ 


100 # normalize input directions 

101 input_shape = probed_directions.shape 

102 normed_probed_directions = probed_directions / \ 

103 np.linalg.norm(probed_directions, axis=-1)[..., np.newaxis] 


105 # Find distance (3D euclidian) between each probed direction and sensitivity direction 

106 pad_dimension = (1,) * (len(input_shape)-1) 

107 distance = np.sum((normed_probed_directions[np.newaxis, ...] - 

108 self._directions_full.reshape(self._directions_full.shape[0], 

109 *pad_dimension, 3))**2, axis=-1) 


111 # Find nearest_neighbor 

112 best_dir = np.argmin(distance, axis=0) 


114 if self._enforce_friedel_symmetry: 114 ↛ 116line 114 didn't jump to line 116, because the condition on line 114 was never false

115 best_dir = best_dir % self._number_of_coefficients 

116 return best_dir 


118 def get_function_values(self, probed_directions: NDArray) -> NDArray[float]: 

119 """ 

120 Calculate the value of the basis functions from an array of x-y-z vectors. 


122 Parameters 

123 ---------- 

124 probed_directions 

125 Array with length 3 along its last axis 


127 Returns 

128 ------- 

129 Array with same shape as input array except for the last axis, which now 

130 has length ``N``, i.e., the number of sensitivity directions. 


132 """ 


134 best_dir = self.find_nearest_neighbor_index(probed_directions) 

135 input_shape = probed_directions.shape 

136 output_array = np.zeros((*input_shape[:-1], self._number_of_coefficients)) 

137 for mode_number in range(self._number_of_coefficients): 

138 output_array[best_dir == mode_number, mode_number] = 1.0 

139 return output_array 


141 def get_amplitudes(self, coefficients: NDArray[float], 

142 probed_directions: NDArray[float]) -> NDArray[float]: 

143 """ 

144 Calculate function values of an array of coefficients. 


146 Parameters 

147 ---------- 

148 coefficients 

149 Array of coefficients with coefficient number along its last index. 

150 probed_directions 

151 Array with length 3 along its last axis. 


153 Returns 

154 ------- 

155 Array with function values. The shape of the array is 

156 ``(*coefficients.shape[:-1], *probed_directions.shape[:-1])``. 

157 """ 

158 final_shape = (*coefficients.shape[:-1], *probed_directions.shape[:-1]) 

159 nn_index = self.find_nearest_neighbor_index(probed_directions).ravel() 

160 amplitudes = np.zeros(([:-1]),[:-1]))) 

161 coefficients = np.reshape(coefficients, ([:-1]), 

162 coefficients.shape[-1])) 

163 for coeff_index in range(amplitudes.shape[0]): 

164 amplitudes[coeff_index, :] = coefficients[coeff_index, nn_index] 


166 return amplitudes.reshape(final_shape) 


168 def get_second_moments(self, coefficients: NDArray[float]) -> NDArray[float]: 

169 """ 

170 Calculate the second moments of the functions described by :attr:`coefficients`. 


172 Parameters 

173 ---------- 

174 coefficients 

175 An array of coefficients (or residuals) of arbitrary shape so long as the last 

176 axis has the same size as the number of detector channels. 


178 Returns 

179 ------- 

180 Array containing the second moments of the functions described by coefficients, 

181 formatted as rank-two tensors with tensor indices in the last 2 dimensions. 

182 """ 


184 if not self._enforce_friedel_symmetry: 

185 raise NotImplementedError('NearestNeighbor.get_second_moments does not support' 

186 ' cases with Friedel symmetry.') 


188 second_moments_array = np.zeros((*coefficients.shape[:-1], 3, 3)) 


190 sumint = np.zeros(coefficients.shape[:-1]) 

191 sumxx = np.zeros(coefficients.shape[:-1]) 

192 sumxy = np.zeros(coefficients.shape[:-1]) 

193 sumxz = np.zeros(coefficients.shape[:-1]) 

194 sumyy = np.zeros(coefficients.shape[:-1]) 

195 sumyz = np.zeros(coefficients.shape[:-1]) 

196 sumzz = np.zeros(coefficients.shape[:-1]) 


198 for mode_number in range(len(self)): 


200 sumint += coefficients[..., mode_number] 

201 sumxx += coefficients[..., mode_number] * self._directions_full[mode_number, 0]**2 

202 sumxy += coefficients[..., mode_number] * self._directions_full[mode_number, 0]\ 

203 * self._directions_full[mode_number, 1] 

204 sumxz += coefficients[..., mode_number] * self._directions_full[mode_number, 0]\ 

205 * self._directions_full[mode_number, 2] 

206 sumyy += coefficients[..., mode_number] * self._directions_full[mode_number, 1]**2 

207 sumyz += coefficients[..., mode_number] * self._directions_full[mode_number, 1]\ 

208 * self._directions_full[mode_number, 2] 

209 sumzz += coefficients[..., mode_number] * self._directions_full[mode_number, 2]**2 


211 second_moments_array[..., 0, 0] = sumxx 

212 second_moments_array[..., 0, 1] = sumxy 

213 second_moments_array[..., 0, 2] = sumxz 

214 second_moments_array[..., 1, 0] = sumxy 

215 second_moments_array[..., 1, 1] = sumyy 

216 second_moments_array[..., 1, 2] = sumyz 

217 second_moments_array[..., 2, 0] = sumxz 

218 second_moments_array[..., 2, 1] = sumyz 

219 second_moments_array[..., 2, 2] = sumzz 


221 return second_moments_array 


223 def get_spherical_harmonic_coefficients( 

224 self, 

225 coefficients: NDArray[float], 

226 ell_max: int = None 

227 ) -> NDArray[float]: 

228 """ Computes and rturns the spherical harmonic coefficients of the spherical function 

229 represented by the provided :attr:`coefficients` using a Driscoll-Healy grid. 


231 For details on the Driscoll-Healy grid, see 

232 `the SHTools page <>`_ for a 

233 comprehensive overview. 


235 Parameters 

236 ---------- 

237 coefficients 

238 An array of coefficients of arbitrary shape, provided that the 

239 last dimension contains the coefficients for one function. 

240 ell_max 

241 The bandlimit of the spherical harmonic expansion. 


243 """ 

244 dh_grid_size = 2*ell_max + 1 

245 mapper = SphericalHarmonicMapper(ell_max=ell_max, polar_resolution=dh_grid_size, 

246 azimuthal_resolution=dh_grid_size, 

247 enforce_friedel_symmetry=self._enforce_friedel_symmetry) 

248 coordinates = mapper.unit_vectors 

249 amplitudes = self.get_amplitudes(coefficients, coordinates) 

250 spherical_harmonics_coefficients = mapper.get_harmonic_coefficients(amplitudes) 

251 return spherical_harmonics_coefficients 


253 def _get_projection_matrix(self, probed_coordinates: ProbedCoordinates = None) -> NDArray[float]: 

254 """ Computes the matrix necessary for forward and gradient calculations. 

255 Called when the coordinate system has been updated, or one of 

256 :attr:`kernel_scale_parameter` or :attr:`grid_scale` has been changed.""" 

257 if probed_coordinates is None: 257 ↛ 258line 257 didn't jump to line 258, because the condition on line 257 was never true

258 probed_coordinates = self._probed_coordinates 

259 return self.get_function_values(probed_coordinates.vector) 


261 def get_sub_geometry(self, 

262 direction_index: int, 

263 geometry: Geometry, 

264 data_container: DataContainer = None, 

265 ) -> tuple[Geometry, tuple[NDArray[float], NDArray[float]]]: 

266 """ Create and return a geometry object corresponding to a scalar tomography problem for 

267 scattering along the sensitivity direction with index :attr:`direction_index`. 

268 If optionally a :class:`mumott.DataContainer` is provided, the sinograms and weights for this 

269 scalar tomography problem will alse be returned. 


271 Used for an implementation of the algorithm descibed in [Schaff2015]_. 


273 Parameters 

274 ---------- 

275 direction_index 

276 Index of the sensitivity direction. 

277 geometry 

278 :class:`mumott.Geometry` object of the full problem. 

279 data_container (optional) 

280 :class:`mumott.DataContainer` compatible with :attr:`Geometry` from which a scalar dataset 

281 will be constructed. 


283 returns 

284 ------- 

285 sub_geometry 

286 Geometry of the scalar problem. 

287 data_tuple 

288 :class:`Tuple` containing two numpy arrays. :attr:`data_tuple[0]` is the data of the 

289 scalar problem. :attr:`data_tuple[1]` are the weights. 

290 """ 

291 if self._integration_mode != 'midpoint': 

292"The 'Discrete Directions' reconstruction workflow has not been tested" 

293 "with detector segment integration. Set :attr:`integration_mode` to ``'midpoint'``" 

294 ' or proceed with caution.') 


296 # Get projection weights 

297 probed_coordinates = ProbedCoordinates() 

298 probed_coordinates.vector = geometry.probed_coordinates.vector 

299 projection_matrix = self._get_integrated_projection_matrix(probed_coordinates)[..., direction_index] 


301 # Copy over certain parts of geometry 

302 sub_geometry = deepcopy(geometry) 

303 sub_geometry.delete_projections() 

304 sub_geometry.detector_angles = np.array([0]) 

305 sub_geometry.detector_direction_origin = np.array([0, 0, 0]) 

306 sub_geometry.detector_direction_positive_90 = np.array([0, 0, 0]) 


308 if data_container is not None: 

309 data_list = [] 

310 weight_list = [] 


312 for projection_index in range(len(geometry)): 

313 if np.any(projection_matrix[projection_index, :] > 0.0): 


315 # append sub geometry 

316 sub_geometry.append(deepcopy(geometry[projection_index])) 


318 # Load data if given 

319 if data_container is not None: 


321 projection_weight = projection_matrix[projection_index, :] 

322 weighted_weights = data_container.projections[projection_index].weights\ 

323 * projection_weight[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] 

324 weighted_data = data_container.projections[projection_index].data\ 

325 * weighted_weights 


327 weight_list.append(np.sum(weighted_weights, axis=-1)) 

328 summed_data = np.sum(weighted_data, axis=-1) 

329 data_list.append( 

330 np.divide(summed_data, 

331 weight_list[-1], 

332 out=np.zeros(summed_data.shape), 

333 where=weight_list[-1] != 0) 

334 ) # Avoid runtime warning when weights are zero. 


336 if data_container is None: 

337 return sub_geometry, None 

338 elif len(data_list) == 0: 

339 logger.warning('No projections found for current direction.') 

340 return sub_geometry, None 

341 else: 

342 data_array = np.stack(data_list, axis=0) 

343 weight_array = np.stack(weight_list, axis=0) 

344 return sub_geometry, (data_array, weight_array) 


346 # TODO there could be a bit of a speedup by doing this without matrix products 

347 def forward(self, 

348 coefficients: NDArray[float], 

349 indices: NDArray[int] = None) -> NDArray[float]: 

350 """ Carries out a forward computation of projections from reciprocal space modes to 

351 detector channels, for one or several tomographic projections. 


353 Parameters 

354 ---------- 

355 coefficients 

356 An array of coefficients, of arbitrary shape so long as the last 

357 axis has the same size as this basis set. 

358 indices 

359 Optional. Indices of the tomographic projections for which the forward 

360 computation is to be performed. If ``None``, the forward computation will 

361 be performed for all projections. 


363 Returns 

364 ------- 

365 An array of values on the detector corresponding to the :attr:`coefficients` given. 

366 If :attr:`indices` contains exactly one index, the shape is ``(coefficients.shape[:-1], J)`` 

367 where ``J`` is the number of detector segments. If :attr:`indices` is ``None`` or contains 

368 several indices, the shape is ``(N, coefficients.shape[1:-1], J)`` where ``N`` 

369 is the number of tomographic projections for which the computation is performed. 

370 """ 

371 assert coefficients.shape[-1] == len(self) 

372 self._update() 

373 output = np.zeros(coefficients.shape[:-1] + (self._projection_matrix.shape[1],), 

374 coefficients.dtype) 

375 if indices is None: 375 ↛ 379line 375 didn't jump to line 379, because the condition on line 375 was never false

376 framewise_contraction_transpose(self._projection_matrix, 

377 coefficients, 

378 output) 

379 elif indices.size == 1: 

380 np.einsum('ijk, ...k -> ...j', 

381 self._projection_matrix[indices], 

382 coefficients, 

383 out=output, 

384 optimize='greedy', 

385 casting='unsafe') 

386 else: 

387 framewise_contraction_transpose(self._projection_matrix[indices], 

388 coefficients, 

389 output) 

390 return output 


392 def gradient(self, 

393 coefficients: NDArray[float], 

394 indices: NDArray[int] = None) -> NDArray[float]: 

395 """ Carries out a gradient computation of projections of projections from reciprocal space modes to 

396 detector channels, for one or several tomographic projections. 


398 Parameters 

399 ---------- 

400 coefficients 

401 An array of coefficients (or residuals) of arbitrary shape so long as the last 

402 axis has the same size as the number of detector channels. 

403 indices 

404 Optional. Indices of the tomographic projections for which the gradient 

405 computation is to be performed. If ``None``, the gradient computation will 

406 be performed for all projections. 


408 Returns 

409 ------- 

410 An array of gradient values based on the :attr:`coefficients` given. 

411 If :attr:`indices` contains exactly one index, the shape is ``(coefficients.shape[:-1], J)`` 

412 where ``J`` is the number of detector segments. If indices is ``None`` or contains 

413 several indices, the shape is ``(N, coefficients.shape[1:-1], J)`` where ``N`` 

414 is the number of tomographic projections for which the computation is performed. 

415 """ 

416 self._update() 

417 output = np.zeros(coefficients.shape[:-1] + (self._projection_matrix.shape[2],), 

418 coefficients.dtype) 

419 if indices is None: 419 ↛ 423line 419 didn't jump to line 423, because the condition on line 419 was never false

420 framewise_contraction(self._projection_matrix, 

421 coefficients, 

422 output) 

423 elif indices.size == 1: 

424 np.einsum('ikj, ...k -> ...j', 

425 self._projection_matrix[indices], 

426 coefficients, 

427 out=output, 

428 optimize='greedy', 

429 casting='unsafe') 

430 else: 

431 framewise_contraction(self._projection_matrix[indices], 

432 coefficients, 

433 output) 

434 return output 


436 def get_output(self, 

437 coefficients: NDArray) -> Dict[str, Any]: 

438 r""" Returns a dictionary of output data for a given array of basis set coefficients. 


440 Parameters 

441 ---------- 

442 coefficients 

443 An array of coefficients of arbitrary shape and dimensions, except 

444 its last dimension must be the same length as the :attr:`len` of this instance. 

445 Computations only operate over the last axis of :attr:`coefficients`, so derived 

446 properties in the output will have the shape ``(*coefficients.shape[:-1], ...)``. 


448 Returns 

449 ------- 

450 A dictionary containing information about the optimized function. 


452 """ 

453 assert coefficients.shape[-1] == len(self) 

454 # Update to ensure non-dirty output state. 

455 self._update() 

456 output_dictionary = {} 


458 # basis set-specific information 

459 output_dictionary['name'] = type(self).__name__ 

460 output_dictionary['coefficients'] = coefficients.copy() 

461 output_dictionary['grid'] = self.grid 

462 output_dictionary['enforce_friedel_symmetry'] = self._enforce_friedel_symmetry 

463 output_dictionary['projection_matrix'] = self._projection_matrix.copy() 

464 output_dictionary['hash'] = hex(hash(self)) 


466 # Analysis is easily done in real space. 

467 tensors = self.get_second_moments(coefficients) 

468 output_dictionary['second_moments'] = tensors 


470 w, v = np.linalg.eigh(tensors.reshape(-1, 3, 3)) 


472 # Some complicated sorting logic to sort eigenvectors per ascending eigenvalues. 

473 sorting = np.argsort(w, axis=1).reshape(-1, 3, 1) 

474 v = v.transpose(0, 2, 1) 

475 v = np.take_along_axis(v, sorting, axis=1) 

476 v = v.transpose(0, 2, 1) 

477 v = v / np.sqrt(np.sum(v ** 2, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1, 3)) 

478 eigenvectors = v.reshape(coefficients.shape[:-1] + (3, 3,)) 

479 output_dictionary['eigenvectors'] = eigenvectors 


481 return output_dictionary 


483 def __len__(self) -> int: 

484 return self._number_of_coefficients 


486 def __hash__(self) -> int: 

487 """Returns a hash reflecting the internal state of the instance. 


489 Returns 

490 ------- 

491 A hash of the internal state of the instance, 

492 cast as an ``int``. 

493 """ 

494 to_hash = [self.grid, 

495 self._enforce_friedel_symmetry, 

496 self._projection_matrix, 

497 self._probed_coordinates_hash] 

498 return int(list_to_hash(to_hash), 16) 


500 def _update(self) -> None: 

501 # We only run updates if the hashes do not match. 

502 if self.is_dirty: 502 ↛ 503line 502 didn't jump to line 503, because the condition on line 502 was never true

503 self._projection_matrix = self._get_integrated_projection_matrix() 

504 self._probed_coordinates_hash = hash(self._probed_coordinates) 


506 @property 

507 def is_dirty(self) -> bool: 

508 return hash(self._probed_coordinates) != self._probed_coordinates_hash 


510 @property 

511 def projection_matrix(self) -> NDArray: 

512 """ The matrix used to project spherical functions from the unit sphere onto the detector. 

513 If ``v`` is a vector of gaussian kernel coefficients, and ``M`` is the ``projection_matrix``, 

514 then ``M @ v`` gives the corresponding values on the detector segments associated with 

515 each projection. ``M[i] @ v`` gives the values on the detector segments associated with 

516 projection ``i``. 

517 """ 

518 self._update() 

519 return self._projection_matrix 


521 @property 

522 def enforce_friedel_symmetry(self) -> bool: 

523 """ If ``True``, Friedel symmetry is enforced, i.e., the point 

524 :math:`-r` is treated as equivalent to :math:`r`. """ 

525 return self._enforce_friedel_symmetry 


527 @property 

528 def grid(self) -> Tuple[NDArray['float'], NDArray['float']]: 

529 r""" Returns the polar and azimuthal angles of the grid used by the basis. 


531 Returns 

532 ------- 

533 A ``Tuple`` with contents ``(polar_angle, azimuthal_angle)``, where the 

534 polar angle is defined as :math:`\arccos(z)`. 

535 """ 

536 return self._directions_full[:self._number_of_coefficients, :] 


538 @property 

539 def grid_hash(self) -> str: 

540 """ Returns a hash of :attr:`grid`. 

541 """ 

542 return list_to_hash([self.grid]) 


544 @property 

545 def projection_matrix_hash(self) -> str: 

546 """ Returns a hash of :attr:`projection_matrix`. 

547 """ 

548 return list_to_hash([self.projection_matrix]) 


550 def __str__(self) -> str: 

551 wdt = 74 

552 s = [self.__class__.__name__] 

553 s += ['-' * wdt] 

554 s += [''.center(wdt)] 

555 s += ['-' * wdt] 

556 with np.printoptions(threshold=4, edgeitems=2, precision=5, linewidth=60): 

557 s += ['{:18} : {}'.format('number of directions', len(self))] 

558 s += ['{:18} : {}'.format('grid_hash', self.grid_hash[:6])] 

559 s += ['{:18} : {}'.format('enforce_friedel_symmetry', self.enforce_friedel_symmetry)] 

560 s += ['{:18} : {}'.format('projection_matrix_hash', self.projection_matrix_hash[2:8])] 

561 s += ['{:18} : {}'.format('hash', hex(hash(self))[2:8])] 

562 s += ['-' * wdt] 

563 return '\n'.join(s) 


565 def _repr_html_(self) -> str: 

566 s = [] 

567 s += [f'<h3>{self.__class__.__name__}</h3>'] 

568 s += ['<table border="1" class="dataframe">'] 

569 s += ['<thead><tr><th style="text-align: left;">Field</th><th>Size</th><th>Data</th></tr></thead>'] 

570 s += ['<tbody>'] 

571 with np.printoptions(threshold=4, edgeitems=2, precision=2, linewidth=40): 

572 s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">grid_hash</td>'] 

573 s += [f'<td>{len(self.grid_hash)}</td><td>{self.grid_hash[:6]}</td></tr>'] 

574 s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">enforce_friedel_symmetry</td>'] 

575 s += [f'<td>1</td>' 

576 f'<td>{self.enforce_friedel_symmetry}</td></tr>'] 

577 s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">projection_matrix</td>'] 

578 s += [f'<td>{len(self.projection_matrix_hash)}</td>' 

579 f'<td>{self.projection_matrix_hash[:6]}</td></tr>'] 

580 s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">hash</td>'] 

581 s += [f'<td>{len(hex(hash(self)))}</td><td>{hex(hash(self))[2:8]}</td></tr>'] 

582 s += ['</tbody>'] 

583 s += ['</table>'] 

584 return '\n'.join(s)