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1""" Container for class OrientationImageMapper. """ 

2from matplotlib.colors import Colormap 

3from import get_cmap 

4import colorcet # noqa 

5from typing import Union 

6import numpy as np 



9class OrientationImageMapper(): 


11 def __init__(self, 

12 colormap: Union[str, Colormap] = 'cet_cyclic_isoluminant'): 

13 """ 

14 Helper class for generating a color wheel to be used in plots. 


16 Parameters 

17 ---------- 

18 colormap : Union[str, Colormap] 

19 The colormap to be used for creating the colorwheel. Should be cyclic. 

20 Default is ``cet_cyclic_isoluminant``. 

21 """ 

22 self._colormap = get_cmap(colormap) 

23 r = np.sqrt(np.linspace(1.0, 0.0, 360)) 

24 th = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 360) 

25 th, r = np.meshgrid(th, r) 

26 th_flip = np.arctan2(np.cos(th), np.sin(th)) 

27 thx = (th[:-1, :-1] - (th[:-1, :-1] > np.pi).astype(float) * np.pi) / np.pi 

28 thx = self._colormap(thx) 

29 self._wheel_properties = [th_flip, r, thx] 


31 @property 

32 def colormap(self) -> Colormap: 

33 """ Returns the colormap used by the wheel. """ 

34 return self._colormap 


36 @property 

37 def wheel_properties(self) -> list: 

38 """ Returns wheel properties as a list. The entry at 

39 ``wheel_properties[0]`` contains the angles. ``wheel_properties[1]`` contains the radius. 

40 ``wheel_properties[2]`` contains the RGBA values mapped to the angles. """ 

41 return self._wheel_properties