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1""" Container for the class ProjectionViewer. """ 


3import logging 

4from dataclasses import dataclass 


6import numpy as np 

7import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

8import colorcet # noqa 


10from colorspacious import cspace_converter 

11from matplotlib import cm 

12from matplotlib.colors import Colormap 

13from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec 

14from numpy.typing import NDArray 

15from typing import Union, Tuple 


17from .orientation_image_mapper import OrientationImageMapper 

18from mumott.data_handling import DataContainer 




22class ProjectionImage: 

23 """ 

24 A dataclass for storing images for instances of 

25 class:`ProjectionViewer <mumott.output_handling.ProjectionViewer>`. 


27 Attributes 

28 ---------- 

29 mean 

30 The mean value of the data. 

31 std 

32 The standard deviation of the data. 

33 angle_color_quad 

34 A quadruplet of RGBA colors mapping phase angles 

35 that indicate the orientation of the image. 

36 """ 

37 mean: NDArray[float] 

38 std: NDArray[float] 

39 angle_color_quad: NDArray[float] 



42class ProjectionViewer: 

43 """ 

44 Class for viewing data and synthetic projections in a scrollable plot. 

45 The viewed projection can be changed with either the arrow keys or 

46 with the mouse scrolling wheel. 


48 Parameters 

49 ---------- 

50 data_container : DataContainer 

51 A :class:`DataContainer 

52 <mumott.data_handling.data_container.DataContainer>` object, containing 

53 the necessary dimension and rotation information to show orientations correctly. 

54 data : numpy.ndarray(dtype=numpy.float64), optional 

55 A flat array of data from e.g. reconstruction output. If not given, data 

56 will be loaded from the provided ``data_container``. Provide if you e.g. 

57 want to look at synthetic projections from a reconstruction. 

58 orientation_symmetry : ``'longitudinal'``, ``'transversal'``, optional 

59 Specifies the assumed three-dimensional symmetry of the reciprocal 

60 space map, which determines whether the minimum or the maximum of the 

61 ``cos(phi) ** 2`` component of the of the intensity is interpreted as 

62 the orientation angle. The default is ``'longitudinal'``, which interprets the 

63 angle of maximum scattering as the orientation, corresponding to 

64 an assumed three-dimensional symmetry of polar caps of intensity. 

65 The other option is ``transversal``, which corresponds to a symmetry 

66 of a great circle of intensity (also known as fiber symmetry), corresponding 

67 to a phase shift of ``90`` degrees. 

68 mean_colormap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap 

69 Specifies the colormap of the mean intensity across all angles. The default 

70 is ``'cet_linear_bmy_10_95_c71'``, a linear high-contrast with blue, magenta 

71 and yellow. 

72 std_colormap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap 

73 Specifies the colormap of the standar deviation of the data across all angles. 

74 The default is ``'cet_gouldian'``, a linear high-contrast map with blue, 

75 green and yellow. 

76 phase_colormap : str or matplotlib.colors.Colormap 

77 Specifies the colormap of the phase of the ``cos(detector_angles) ** 2`` fit 

78 of the data. The default is ``'cet_CET_C10'``, an isoluminant cyclic map. 

79 mean_range : tuple(float, float) 

80 Specifies the range of the colormap of the mean. 

81 std_range : tuple(float, float) 

82 Specifies the range of the colormap of the standard deviation. 

83 """ 


85 def __init__(self, 

86 data_container: DataContainer, 

87 data: NDArray[np.float64] = None, 

88 orientation_symmetry: str = 'longitudinal', 

89 mean_colormap: Union[str, Colormap] = 'cet_linear_bmy_10_95_c71', 

90 std_colormap: Union[str, Colormap] = 'cet_gouldian', 

91 phase_colormap: Union[str, Colormap] = 'cet_CET_C10', 

92 mean_range: Tuple[float, float] = None, 

93 std_range: Tuple[float, float] = None): 

94 detector_angles = data_container.geometry.detector_angles 

95 det_vector = \ 

96 (np.cos(detector_angles[np.newaxis, :]) * 

97 data_container.geometry.detector_direction_origin[:, np.newaxis] + 

98 np.sin(detector_angles[np.newaxis, :]) * 

99 data_container.geometry.detector_direction_positive_90[:, np.newaxis]) 

100 distance_j =[np.newaxis, :], 

101 det_vector).squeeze() 

102 distance_k =[np.newaxis, :], 

103 det_vector).squeeze() 

104 if not np.allclose(np.diff(detector_angles).reshape(1, -1), 104 ↛ 107line 104 didn't jump to line 107, because the condition on line 104 was never true

105 np.diff(detector_angles).reshape(-1, 1), 

106 rtol=2e-01, atol=8e-02): 

107 logging.warning('The provided `detector_angles` do not appear to be ' 

108 'sorted and equally spaced to within an absolute tolerance ' 

109 'of 5 degrees and a relative tolerance of twenty percent of the ' 

110 'segment width.' 

111 '\nThe orientation angle may not behave as expected. Please be cautious' 

112 'in interpreting the figure.') 

113 detector_angles = np.arctan2(distance_k, distance_j) 

114 if data is None: 114 ↛ 116line 114 didn't jump to line 116, because the condition on line 114 was never false

115 data = 

116 if orientation_symmetry == 'transversal': 116 ↛ 117line 116 didn't jump to line 117, because the condition on line 116 was never true

117 detector_angles = np.arctan2(np.sin(detector_angles), np.cos(detector_angles)) 

118 elif orientation_symmetry == 'longitudinal': 118 ↛ 121line 118 didn't jump to line 121, because the condition on line 118 was never false

119 detector_angles = np.arctan2(-np.cos(detector_angles), np.sin(detector_angles)) 

120 else: 

121 logging.warning( 

122 'Unknown `orientation_symmetry` option: "' + orientation_symmetry + 

123 '"\nUsing default value: "longitudinal".\n' 

124 'Valid options are "transversal" and "longitudinal".') 

125 detector_angles = np.arctan2(-np.cos(detector_angles), np.sin(detector_angles)) 

126 direction = np.arctan2(np.sin(detector_angles[1] - detector_angles[0]), 

127 np.cos(detector_angles[1] - detector_angles[0])) 

128 a = float(np.round(direction >= 0)) 

129 b = np.exp((-2j) * detector_angles[0]) 

130 self._mean_colormap = mean_colormap 

131 self._std_colormap = std_colormap 

132 self._phase_colormap = phase_colormap 

133 self._cielab_converter = cspace_converter('sRGB255', 'JCh') 

134 self._srgb_converter = cspace_converter('JCh', 'sRGB255') 

135 self._orientation_image_mapper = OrientationImageMapper(phase_colormap) 

136 self._wheel_properties = self._orientation_image_mapper.wheel_properties 

137 self._phase_colormap_lut = cm.get_cmap(self._phase_colormap, 256) 

138 self._projection_number = len(data) 

139 self._clims_mean = np.percentile( 

140 a=data.mean(axis=2), 

141 q=(1., 99.9)) 

142 if mean_range is not None: 142 ↛ 143line 142 didn't jump to line 143, because the condition on line 142 was never true

143 if mean_range[0] is not None: 

144 self._clims_mean[0] = mean_range[0] 

145 if mean_range[1] is not None: 

146 self._clims_mean[1] = mean_range[1] 

147 self._clims_std = np.percentile( 

148 a=data.std(axis=2), 

149 q=(1., 99.9)) 

150 if std_range is not None: 150 ↛ 151line 150 didn't jump to line 151, because the condition on line 150 was never true

151 if std_range[0] is not None: 

152 self._clims_std[0] = std_range[0] 

153 if std_range[1] is not None: 

154 self._clims_std[1] = std_range[1] 

155 self._projection_images = [] 

156 for i, frame in enumerate(data): 

157 temp_mean = frame[:, :, :detector_angles.size].mean(axis=2).T 

158 temp_std = frame[:, :, :detector_angles.size].std(axis=2).T 

159 temp_fft = np.fft.rfft(frame[:, :, :detector_angles.size] ** 2, axis=2, norm='ortho') 

160 if a: 160 ↛ 163line 160 didn't jump to line 163, because the condition on line 160 was never false

161 temp_angle = (np.sqrt(temp_fft[:, :, 1] * b)).T 

162 else: 

163 temp_angle = (np.sqrt(np.conj(temp_fft[:, :, 1]) * b)).T 

164 temp_angle = np.angle(np.sign(temp_angle.imag) * temp_angle) 

165 temp_mask = np.round( 

166 np.sqrt( 

167 abs(temp_fft[:, :, 0])) > 0.5 * np.sqrt(abs(temp_fft[:, :, 0])).mean()).astype(float).T 

168 temp_aniso_factor = np.sqrt( 

169 abs(temp_fft[:, :, 1]) / (np.finfo(float).tiny + abs(temp_fft[:, :, 0]))).T 

170 temp_shader = temp_aniso_factor.clip(0., 1) 

171 phase_rgba = self._phase_colormap_lut(temp_angle / np.pi) 

172 phase_cielab = self._cielab_converter(phase_rgba[:, :, :-1]) 

173 phase_cielab[:, :, :2] *= 1.1 * ((1 - np.exp(-temp_shader)) / 

174 (1 - np.exp(-1))).reshape(temp_shader.shape + (1,)) 

175 phase_rgba[:, :, :-1] = self._srgb_converter(phase_cielab).clip(0., 1.) 

176 phase_rgba[:, :, -1] = temp_mask 

177 temp_image = ProjectionImage( 

178 mean=temp_mean, 

179 std=temp_std, 

180 angle_color_quad=phase_rgba) 

181 self._projection_images.append(temp_image) 

182 self._fig = plt.figure() 

183 self._grid_spec = GridSpec(6, 9, figure=self._fig) 

184 self._axes = [] 

185 self._axes.append(self._fig.add_subplot(self._grid_spec[0:4, 0:3])) 

186 self._axes.append(self._fig.add_subplot(self._grid_spec[0:4, 3:6])) 

187 self._axes.append(self._fig.add_subplot(self._grid_spec[0:4, 6:9])) 

188 self._axes.append(self._fig.add_subplot(self._grid_spec[4:6, 6:9], projection='polar')) 

189 self._colorbar_axes = [] 

190 self._colorbar_axes.append(self._fig.add_subplot(self._grid_spec[5, 0:3])) 

191 self._colorbar_axes.append(self._fig.add_subplot(self._grid_spec[5, 3:6])) 

192 for a in self._axes: 

193 a.grid(False) 

194 a.set_yticks([]) 

195 a.set_xticks([]) 

196 a.set_yticklabels([]) 

197 a.set_xticklabels([]) 

198 self._im1 = self._axes[0].imshow( 

199 self._projection_images[0].mean, origin='lower', cmap=self._mean_colormap) 

200 self._axes[0].set_title('Mean') 

201 self._fig.colorbar( 

202 self._im1, cax=self._colorbar_axes[0], orientation='horizontal') 

203 self._im2 = self._axes[1].imshow( 

204 self._projection_images[0].std, origin='lower', cmap=self._std_colormap) 

205 self._axes[1].set_title('Standard deviation') 

206 self._fig.colorbar(self._im2, cax=self._colorbar_axes[1], orientation='horizontal') 


208 self._im3 = self._axes[2].imshow(self._projection_images[0].angle_color_quad, 

209 origin='lower',) 

210 self._axes[2].set_title('Orientation phase') 

211 self._axes[2].set_facecolor((254 / 255, 254 / 255, 254 / 255)) 

212 self._wheel_rgba = self._wheel_properties[2] 

213 self._axes[3].set_facecolor((254 / 255, 254 / 255, 254 / 255)) 

214 wheel_shader = self._wheel_properties[1][:-1, :-1] ** 2 

215 wheel_cielab = self._cielab_converter(self._wheel_rgba[:, :, :-1]) 

216 wheel_cielab[:, :, :2] *= 1.1 * ((1 - np.exp(-wheel_shader)) / 

217 (1 - np.exp(-1))).reshape(wheel_shader.shape + (1,)) 

218 wheel_rgb = self._srgb_converter(wheel_cielab).clip(0., 1.) 

219 self._wheel_rgba[:, :, :-1] = wheel_rgb 

220 self._axes[3].grid(False) 

221 self._color_wheel = self._axes[3].pcolormesh(self._wheel_properties[0], 

222 1 - np.arccos(self._wheel_properties[1]) * 2 / np.pi, 

223 wheel_shader[:, :], 

224 facecolors=self._wheel_rgba.reshape(-1, 4), 

225 edgecolors=self._wheel_rgba.reshape(-1, 4)) 

226 self._axes[3].set_rmax(1.) 

227 self._axes[3].set_rmin(0.) 

228 self._projection_ind = 0 


230 def change_projection(self, ind: int) -> None: 

231 """ 

232 Method for updating the projection shown 

233 when the projection slider changes. 


235 Parameters 

236 ---------- 

237 ind 

238 The index of the projection to be shown. 

239 """ 

240 if ind != self._projection_ind: 240 ↛ 241line 240 didn't jump to line 241, because the condition on line 240 was never true

241 self._projection_ind = ind 

242 ind = int(ind) 

243 self._im1.set_data(self._projection_images[ind].mean) 

244 self._im1.set_clim(*self._clims_mean) 

245 self._im2.set_data(self._projection_images[ind].std) 

246 self._im2.set_clim(*self._clims_std) 

247 self._im3.set_data(self._projection_images[ind].angle_color_quad) 

248 self._im3.autoscale() 

249 self._axes[0].relim() 

250 self._axes[1].relim() 

251 self._axes[2].relim() 

252 self._axes[0].autoscale_view() 

253 self._axes[1].autoscale_view() 

254 self._axes[2].autoscale_view() 

255 self._axes[0].set_aspect('equal') 

256 self._axes[1].set_aspect('equal') 

257 self._axes[2].set_aspect('equal') 

258 self._fig.canvas.draw_idle() 

259 self._fig.canvas.flush_events()