Source code for mumott.core.simulator

import sys

import tqdm
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

from mumott.methods.basis_sets.base_basis_set import BasisSet

[docs]class Simulator: """ Simulator for tensor tomography samples based on a geometry and a few sources with associated influence functions. Designed primarily for local representations. Polynomial representations, such as spherical harmonics, may require other residual functions which take the different frequency bands into account. Parameters ---------- volume_mask : np.ndarray[int] A three-dimensional mask. The shape of the mask defines the shape of the entire simulated volume. The non-zero entries of the mask determine where the simulated sample is located. The non-zero entries should be mostly contiguous for good results. basis_set : BasisSet The basis set used for the simulation. Ideally local representations such as :class:`GaussianKernels <mumott.methods.basis_sets.GaussianKernels>` should be used. Do not modify the basis set after creating the simulator. seed : int Seed for the random number generator. Useful for generating consistent simulations. By default no seed is used. distance_radius : float Radius for the balls used in determining interior distances. Usually, this value should not be changed, but it can be increased to take larger strides in the interior of the sample. Default value is ``np.sqrt(2) * 1.01``. """ def __init__(self, volume_mask: np.ndarray[int], basis_set: BasisSet, seed: int = None, distance_radius: float = np.sqrt(2) * 1.01) -> None: self._volume_mask = volume_mask > 0 self._basis_set = basis_set self._basis_set_hash = hash(basis_set) x, y, z = (np.arange(self.shape[0]), np.arange(self.shape[1]), np.arange(self.shape[2])) X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij') # set X-coordinates of non-considered points to be impossibly large X[~self._volume_mask] = self._positions = np.concatenate((X.reshape(-1, 1), Y.reshape(-1, 1), Z.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1) self._tree = KDTree(self._positions) self._source_locations = [] self._source_distances = [] self._source_exponents = [] self._source_scale_parameters = [] self._source_coefficients = [] self._simulation = np.zeros(self.shape + (len(self._basis_set),), dtype=float) self._source_weights = np.ones(self.shape, dtype=float) self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self._distance_radius = distance_radius
[docs] def add_source(self, location: tuple[int, int, int] = None, coefficients: np.ndarray[float] = None, influence_exponent: float = 2, influence_scale_parameter: float = 10) -> None: """ Add a source to your simulation. Parameters ---------- location Location, in terms of indices, of the source. If not given, will be randomized weighted by inverse of distance to other source points. coefficients Coefficients defining the source. If not given, will be randomized in the interval ``[0, 1]``. influence_exponent Exponent of the influence of the influence of the source. Default value is ``2``, giving a Gaussian. influence_scale_parameter Scale parameter of the influence of the influence of the source. Default value is ``10``. Notes ----- The equation for the source influence is ``np.exp(-(d / (p * s)) ** p)``, where ``d`` is the interior distance, ``s`` is the scale parameter, and ``p`` is the exponent. If a location is not given, a location will be searched for for no more than 1e6 iterations. For large and sparse samples, consider specifying locations manually. """ if location is None: iterations = 0 while True: location = tuple(self._rng.integers((0, 0, 0), self.shape)) if self._volume_mask[location] and self._rng.random() < self._source_weights[location]: break if iterations > 1e6: raise RuntimeError('Maximum number of iterations exceeded.' ' Specify location manually instead.') iterations += 1 elif not self._volume_mask[location]: raise ValueError('location must be inside the valid region of the volume mask!') self._source_locations.append(location) self._source_distances.append(self._get_distances_to_point(location)) # weight likelihood of placing a source by rms of distances distance_sum = np.power(self._source_distances, 2).sum(0) self._source_weights = np.sqrt(distance_sum / distance_sum.max()) if coefficients is None: coefficients = self._rng.random(len(self.basis_set)) self._source_coefficients.append(coefficients) self._source_scale_parameters.append(influence_scale_parameter) self._source_exponents.append(influence_exponent)
def _get_distances_to_point(self, point): """ Internal method for computing interior distances. """ distances = np.zeros_like(self._volume_mask, dtype=np.float64) - 1 # Compute distances based on ball around source point ball = self._tree.query_ball_point( self._positions[np.ravel_multi_index(point, self.shape)], r=self._distance_radius, p=2) distances[tuple(point)] = 0 list_of_balls = [] list_of_distances = [] self._recursive_ball_dijkstra( ball, self._positions[np.ravel_multi_index(point, self.shape)], distances, list_of_balls, list_of_distances, total_distance=0, generation=0) distances[distances < 0] = return distances def _recursive_ball_dijkstra(self, ball, point: tuple, distances: np.ndarray[float], list_of_balls: list, list_of_distances: list, total_distance, generation: int = 1): """ Recursive function that uses a variant of Dijkstra's Algorithm to find the internal distances in the simulation volume. """ for ind, i in enumerate(ball): # Ignore any already-computed distance if distances[np.unravel_index(i, self.shape)] != -1: continue else: # Add previously computed distance from source to new starting point list_of_balls.append(i) new_distance = total_distance + np.sqrt(((self._positions[i] - point) ** 2).sum()) list_of_distances.append(new_distance) distances[np.unravel_index(i, self.shape)] = new_distance # Only carry out recursion from lowest level with generation 0. while (generation == 0) and (len(list_of_balls) > 0): next_ind = np.argmin(list_of_distances) next_point = list_of_balls[next_ind] next_distance = list_of_distances[next_ind] del list_of_balls[next_ind], list_of_distances[next_ind] new_ball = self._tree.query_ball_point(self._positions[next_point], r=self._distance_radius, p=2) self._recursive_ball_dijkstra( new_ball, self._positions[next_point], distances, list_of_balls, list_of_distances, next_distance) def _get_power_factor(self, power_factor_weights: np.ndarray[float] = None): """ Computes the residual norm, gradient and the squared residuals of the model implied by the source points and the current simulation.""" if power_factor_weights is None: power_factor_weights = np.ones(self.shape, dtype=float) power_factor_weights[~self._volume_mask] = 0. source_coefficients = np.array(self._source_coefficients).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1, len(self.basis_set)) model = self._simulation.reshape((1,) + self._simulation.shape) # pseudo-power model_power = (model ** 2).sum(-1) source_power = (source_coefficients ** 2).sum(-1) # influences affect only importance differences = (model_power - source_power) * self.influences residuals = (differences ** 2).sum(0) gradient = ( 2 * model * (power_factor_weights[None] * self.influences * differences)[..., None]).sum(0) norm = 0.5 * (residuals * power_factor_weights).sum() return norm, gradient, residuals def _get_residuals(self, residual_weights: np.ndarray[float] = None): """ Computes the residual norm, gradient and the squared residuals of the model implied by the source points and the current simulation.""" if residual_weights is None: residual_weights = np.ones(self.shape, dtype=float) residual_weights[~self._volume_mask] = 0. source_coefficients = np.array(self._source_coefficients).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1, len(self.basis_set)) model = self._simulation.reshape((1,) + self._simulation.shape) # pseudo-covariance covariance = (model * source_coefficients).sum(-1) source_variance = (source_coefficients ** 2).sum(-1) # influences affect both importance and expected degree of similarity differences = (covariance - source_variance * self.influences) * self.influences residuals = (differences ** 2).sum(0) gradient = ( source_coefficients * (residual_weights[None] * self.influences * differences)[..., None]).sum(0) norm = 0.5 * (residuals * residual_weights).sum() return norm, gradient, residuals def _get_squared_total_variation(self, tv_weights: np.ndarray[float] = None): """ Computes the norm, gradient and squared value of the squared total variation of the simulation.""" if tv_weights is None: tv_weights = np.ones(self.shape, dtype=float) tv_weights[~self._volume_mask] = 0. sub_sim = self._simulation[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] slices_1 = [np.s_[:-1, :, :], np.s_[:, :-1, :], np.s_[:, :, :-1]] slices_2 = [np.s_[1:, :, :], np.s_[:, 1:, :], np.s_[:, :, 1:]] value = np.zeros_like(self._simulation) # view into value sub_value = value[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] gradient = np.zeros_like(self._simulation) # view into gradient sub_grad = gradient[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] for s1, s2 in zip(slices_1, slices_2): difference = (sub_sim[s1] - sub_sim[s2]) sub_value[s1] += difference ** 2 sub_grad[s1] += difference value = value.sum(-1) value_norm = 0.5 * (value * tv_weights).sum() gradient = gradient * tv_weights[..., None] return value_norm, gradient, value
[docs] def optimize(self, step_size: float = 0.01, iterations: int = 10, weighting_iterations: int = 5, momentum: float = 0.95, tv_weight: float = 0.1, tv_exponent: float = 1., tv_delta: float = 0.01, residual_exponent: float = 1., residual_delta: float = 0.05, power_weight: float = 0.01, power_exponent: float = 1, power_delta: float = 0.01, lower_bound: float = 0.): """ Optimizer for carrying out the simulation. Can be called repeatedly. Uses iteratively reweighted least squares, with weights calculated based on the Euclidean norm over each voxel. Parameters ---------- step_size Step size for gradient descent. iterations Number of iterations for each gradient descent solution. weighting_iterations Number of reweighting iterations. momentum Nesterov momentum term. tv_weight Weight for the total variation term. tv_exponent Exponent for the total variation reweighting. Default is 1, which will approach a Euclidean norm considered. tv_delta Huber-style cutoff for the total variation factor normalization. residual_exponent Exponent for the residual norm reweighting. residual_delta Huber-style cutoff for the residual normalization. power_weight Weight for the power term. power_exponent Exponent for the power term. power_delta Huber-style cutoff for the power normalization. lower_bound Lower bound for coefficients. Coefficients will be clipped at these bounds at every reweighting. """ residual = np.ones(self.shape, dtype=float) tv_value = np.ones(self.shape, dtype=float) power_value = np.ones(self.shape, dtype=float) pbar = tqdm.trange(weighting_iterations, file=sys.stdout) for _ in range(weighting_iterations): total_gradient = np.zeros_like(self._simulation) residual_weights = np.ones(self.shape, dtype=float) residual_weights[~self._volume_mask] = 0. residual_weights[self._volume_mask] *= \ residual[self._volume_mask].clip(residual_delta, None) ** ((residual_exponent - 2) / 2) tv_weights = np.ones(self.shape, dtype=float) tv_weights[~self._volume_mask] = 0. tv_weights[self._volume_mask] *= \ tv_value[self._volume_mask].clip(tv_delta, None) ** ((tv_exponent - 2) / 2) power_weights = np.ones(self.shape, dtype=float) power_weights[~self._volume_mask] = 0. power_weights[self._volume_mask] *= \ power_value[self._volume_mask].clip(power_delta, None) ** ((power_exponent - 2) / 2) for _ in range(iterations): _, residual_gradient, _ = self._get_residuals(residual_weights) _, tv_gradient, _ = self._get_squared_total_variation(tv_weights) _, power_gradient, _ = self._get_power_factor(power_weights) gradient = residual_gradient + tv_gradient * tv_weight + power_gradient * power_weight self._simulation -= gradient * step_size total_gradient += gradient total_gradient *= momentum self._simulation -= total_gradient * step_size res_norm, _, residual = self._get_residuals(residual_weights) tv_norm, _, tv_value = self._get_squared_total_variation(tv_weights) power_norm, _, power_value = self._get_power_factor(power_weights) lf = res_norm + tv_norm * tv_weight + power_norm * power_weight pbar.set_description( f'Loss: {lf:.2e} Resid: {res_norm:.2e} TV: {tv_norm:.2e} Pow: {power_norm:.2e}') pbar.update(1) self._simulation.clip(lower_bound, None, out=self._simulation)
[docs] def reset_simulation(self) -> None: """Resets the simulation by setting all elements to 0.""" self._simulation[...] = 0
@property def volume_mask(self) -> np.ndarray[float]: """ Mask defining valid sample voxels within the sample. Read-only property; create a new simulation to modify. """ return self._volume_mask.copy() @property def basis_set(self) -> BasisSet: """ Basis set defining the representation used in the sample. Read-only property; do not modify. """ if hash(self._basis_set) != self._basis_set_hash: raise ValueError('Hash of basis set does not match! Please recreate simulator.') return self._basis_set @property def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]: """ Shape of the simulation and volume mask. """ return self._volume_mask.shape @property def simulation(self) -> np.ndarray[float]: """ The simulated sample. """ return self._simulation @property def distance_radius(self) -> np.ndarray[float]: """ Distance for ball defining interior distances. """ return self._distance_radius @property def sources(self) -> dict: """ Dictionary of source properties. They are given as arrays where the first index specifies the source, so that ``len(array)`` is the number of source points. Notes ----- The items are, in order: coefficients The coefficients of each source point. distances The interior distance from each support point to each point in the volume. scale_parameters The scale parameter of each source point. locations The location of each source point. exponents The exponent of each source point. influences The influence of each source point. """ return dict(coefficients=np.array(self._source_coefficients), distances=np.array(self._source_distances), scale_parameters=np.array(self._source_scale_parameters), locations=np.array(self._source_locations), exponents=np.array(self._source_exponents), influences=np.array(self.influences)) @property def influences(self) -> np.ndarray[float]: """ Influence of each source point through the volume. """ influence = np.exp(-(np.array(self._source_distances) / (np.array(self._source_exponents) * np.array(self._source_scale_parameters)).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1)) ** np.array(self._source_exponents).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1)) # Normalize so that largest value is 1 for all source points. influence = influence / influence.reshape(len(influence), -1).max(-1).reshape(-1, 1, 1, 1) # Normalize so that all influences sum to 1. influence[:, self._volume_mask] = ( influence[:, self._volume_mask] / influence[:, self._volume_mask].sum(0)[None, ...]) influence[:, ~self._volume_mask] = 0. return influence def __str__(self) -> str: wdt = 74 s = [] s += ['-' * wdt] s += [] s += ['-' * wdt] with np.printoptions(threshold=4, edgeitems=2, precision=5, linewidth=60): s += ['{:18} : {}'.format('shape', self.shape)] s += ['{:18} : {}'.format('distance_radius', self.distance_radius)] s += ['{:18} : {}'.format('basis_set (hash)', hex(hash(self.basis_set))[2:8])] s += ['{:18} : {}'.format('sources', len(self._source_distances))] s += ['-' * wdt] return '\n'.join(s) def _repr_html_(self) -> str: s = [] s += [f'<h3>{self.__class__.__name__}</h3>'] s += ['<table border="1" class="dataframe">'] s += ['<thead><tr><th style="text-align: left;">Field</th><th>Size</th><th>Data</th></tr></thead>'] s += ['<tbody>'] with np.printoptions(threshold=4, edgeitems=2, precision=2, linewidth=40): s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">shape</td>'] s += [f'<td>1</td><td>{self.shape}</td></tr>'] s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">distance_radius</td>'] s += [f'<td>1</td><td>{self.distance_radius}</td></tr>'] s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">basis_set (hash)</td>'] s += [f'<td>{len(hex(hash(self.basis_set)))}</td><td>{hex(hash(self.basis_set))[2:8]}</td></tr>'] s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">sources</td>'] s += [f'<td>1</td><td>{len(self._source_distances)}</td></tr>'] s += ['</tbody>'] s += ['</table>'] return '\n'.join(s)