Source code for mumott.data_handling.data_container

import logging

import h5py as h5
import numpy as np

from numpy.typing import NDArray
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

from mumott.core.deprecation_warning import print_deprecation_warning
from mumott.core.geometry import Geometry
from mumott.core.projection_stack import ProjectionStack, Projection

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# used to easily keep track of preferred keys
_preferred_keys = dict(rotations='inner_angle',

def _deprecated_key_warning(deprecated_key: str):
    """Internal method for deprecation warnings of keys."""
    if deprecated_key in _preferred_keys:
        # Only print once.
        preferred_key = _preferred_keys.pop(deprecated_key)
            f'Entry name {deprecated_key} is deprecated. Use {preferred_key} instead.')

[docs]class DataContainer: """ Instances of this class represent data read from an input file in a format suitable for further analysis. The two core components are :attr:`geometry` and :attr:`projections`. The latter comprises a list of :class:`Projection <mumott.core.projection_stack.Projection>` instances, each of which corresponds to a single measurement. By default all data is read, which can be rather time consuming and unnecessary in some cases, e.g., when aligning data. In those cases, one can skip loading the actual measurements by setting :attr:`skip_data` to ``True``. The geometry information and supplementary information such as the diode data will still be read. Example ------- The following code snippet illustrates the basic use of the :class:`DataContainer` class. First we create a :class:`DataContainer` instance, providing the path to the data file to be read. >>> from mumott.data_handling import DataContainer >>> dc = DataContainer('tests/test_full_circle.h5') One can then print a short summary of the content of the :class:`DataContainer` instance. >>> print(dc) ========================================================================== DataContainer -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corrected for transmission : False ... To access individual measurements we can use the :attr:`projections` attribute. The latter behaves like a list, where the elements of the list are :class:`Projection <mumott.core.projection_stack.Projection>` objects, each of which represents an individual measurement. We can print a summary of the content of the first projection. >>> print(dc.projections[0]) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Projection -------------------------------------------------------------------------- hash_data : 3f0ba8 hash_diode : 808328 hash_weights : 088d39 rotation : [1. 0. 0.], [ 0. -1. 0.], [ 0. 0. -1.] j_offset : 0.0 k_offset : 0.3 inner_angle : None outer_angle : None inner_axis : 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 outer_axis : 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameters ---------- data_path : str, optional Path of the data file relative to the directory of execution. If None, a data container with an empty :attr:`projections` attached will be initialized. data_type : str, optional The type (or format) of the data file. Supported values are ``h5`` (default) for hdf5 format and ``None`` for an empty ``DataContainer`` that can be manually populated. skip_data : bool, optional If ``True``, will skip data from individual measurements when loading the file. This will result in a functioning :attr:`geometry` instance as well as :attr:`diode` and :attr:`weights` entries in each projection, but :attr:`data` will be empty. nonfinite_replacement_value : float, optional Value to replace nonfinite values (``np.nan``, ``np.inf``, and ``-np.inf``) with in the data, diode, and weights. If ``None`` (default), an error is raised if any nonfinite values are present in these input fields. """ def __init__(self, data_path: str = None, data_type: str = 'h5', skip_data: bool = False, nonfinite_replacement_value: float = None): self._correct_for_transmission_called = False self._projections = ProjectionStack() self._geometry_dictionary = dict() self._skip_data = skip_data self._nonfinite_replacement_value = nonfinite_replacement_value if data_path is not None: if data_type == 'h5': self._h5_to_projections(data_path) else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown data_type: {data_type} for' ' load_only_geometry=False.') def _h5_to_projections(self, file_path: str): """ Internal method for loading data from hdf5 file. """ h5_data = h5.File(file_path, 'r') projections = h5_data['projections'] number_of_projections = len(projections) max_shape = (0, 0) inner_axis = np.array((0., 0., -1.)) outer_axis = np.array((1., 0., 0.)) found_inner_in_base = False found_outer_in_base = False if 'inner_axis' in h5_data: inner_axis = h5_data['inner_axis'][:]'Inner axis found in dataset base directory. This will override the default.') found_inner_in_base = True if 'outer_axis' in h5_data: outer_axis = h5_data['outer_axis'][:]'Outer axis found in dataset base directory. This will override the default.') found_outer_in_base = True for i in range(number_of_projections): p = projections[f'{i}'] if 'diode' in p: max_shape = np.max((max_shape, p['diode'].shape), axis=0) for i in range(number_of_projections): p = projections[f'{i}'] if 'diode' in p: diode = np.ascontiguousarray(np.copy(p['diode']).astype(np.float64)) pad_sequence = np.array(((0, max_shape[0] - diode.shape[0]), (0, max_shape[1] - diode.shape[1]), (0, 0))) diode = np.pad(diode, pad_sequence[:-1]) elif 'data' in p: diode = None pad_sequence = np.array(((0, max_shape[0] - p['data'].shape[0]), (0, max_shape[1] - p['data'].shape[1]), (0, 0))) else: pad_sequence = np.zeros((3, 2)) if not self._skip_data: data = np.ascontiguousarray(np.copy(p['data']).astype(np.float64)) data = np.pad(data, pad_sequence) if 'weights' in p: weights = np.ascontiguousarray(np.copy(p['weights']).astype(np.float64)) if weights.ndim == 2 or (weights.ndim == 3 and weights.shape[-1] == 1): weights = weights.reshape(weights.shape[:2]) weights = weights[..., np.newaxis] * \ np.ones((1, 1, data.shape[-1])).astype(np.float64) weights = np.pad(weights, pad_sequence) else: weights = np.ones_like(data) else: data = None if 'weights' in p: weights = np.ascontiguousarray(np.copy(p['weights']).astype(np.float64)) weights = np.pad(weights, pad_sequence[:weights.ndim]) else: if diode is None: weights = None else: weights = np.ones_like(diode) weights = np.pad(weights, pad_sequence[:weights.ndim]) # Look for rotation information and load if available if 'inner_axis' in p: p_inner_axis = p['inner_axis'][:] if found_inner_in_base:'Inner axis found in projection {i}. This will override ' 'the value found in the base directory for all projections ' 'where it is found.') found_inner_in_base = False # override default only if projection zero elif i == 0:'Inner axis found in projection {i}. This will override ' 'the default value for all projections, if they do not specify ' 'another axis.') inner_axis = p_inner_axis else: p_inner_axis = inner_axis if 'outer_axis' in p: p_outer_axis = p['outer_axis'][:] if found_outer_in_base:'Outer axis found in projection {i}. This will override ' 'the value found in the base directory for all projections ' 'where it is found.') found_outer_in_base = False elif i == 0:'Inner axis found in projection {i}. This will override ' 'the default value for all projections, if they do not specify ' 'another axis.') outer_axis = p_outer_axis else: p_outer_axis = outer_axis inner_angle = None outer_angle = None if 'inner_angle' in p: inner_angle = np.copy(p['inner_angle'][...]).flatten()[0] # if at least one angle exists, assume other is 0 by default. if outer_angle is None: outer_angle = 0 elif 'rotations' in p: inner_angle = np.copy(p['rotations'][...]).flatten()[0] _deprecated_key_warning('rotations') if outer_angle is None: outer_angle = 0 if 'outer_angle' in p: outer_angle = np.copy(p['outer_angle'][...]).flatten()[0] if inner_angle is None: inner_angle = 0 elif 'tilts' in p: outer_angle = np.copy(p['tilts'][...]).flatten()[0] _deprecated_key_warning('tilts') if inner_angle is None: inner_angle = 0 if 'rotation_matrix' in p: rotation = p['rotation_matrix'][...] if i == 0:'Rotation matrices were loaded from the input file.') elif 'rot_mat' in p: rotation = p['rot_mat'][...] _deprecated_key_warning('rot_mat') if i == 0:'Rotation matrices were loaded from the input file.') elif outer_angle is not None: R_inner = Rotation.from_rotvec(inner_angle * p_inner_axis).as_matrix() R_outer = Rotation.from_rotvec(outer_angle * p_outer_axis).as_matrix() rotation = R_outer @ R_inner if i == 0:'Rotation matrix generated from inner and outer angles,' ' along with inner and outer rotation axis vectors.' ' Rotation and tilt angles assumed to be in radians.') else: rotation = np.eye(3) if i == 0:'No rotation information found.') # default to 0-dim array to simplify subsequent code j_offset = np.array(0) if 'j_offset' in p: j_offset = p['j_offset'][...] elif 'offset_j' in p: j_offset = p['offset_j'][...] _deprecated_key_warning('offset_j') # offset will be either numpy/size-0 or size-1 array, ravel and extract. j_offset = j_offset.ravel()[0] j_offset -= pad_sequence[0, 1] * 0.5 k_offset = np.array(0) if 'k_offset' in p: k_offset = p['k_offset'][...] elif 'offset_k' in p: k_offset = p['offset_k'][...] _deprecated_key_warning('offset_k') k_offset = k_offset.ravel()[0] k_offset -= pad_sequence[1, 1] * 0.5 if not self._skip_data: self._handle_nonfinite_values(data) self._handle_nonfinite_values(weights) self._handle_nonfinite_values(diode) projection = Projection(data=data, diode=diode, weights=weights, rotation=rotation, j_offset=j_offset, k_offset=k_offset, outer_angle=outer_angle, inner_angle=inner_angle, inner_axis=p_inner_axis, outer_axis=p_outer_axis ) self._projections.append(projection) if not self._skip_data: self._projections.geometry.detector_angles = np.copy(h5_data['detector_angles']) self._estimate_angular_coverage(self._projections.geometry.detector_angles) if 'volume_shape' in h5_data.keys(): self._projections.geometry.volume_shape = np.copy(h5_data['volume_shape']).astype(int) else: self._projections.geometry.volume_shape = np.array(max_shape)[[0, 0, 1]] # Load sample geometry information if 'p_direction_0' in h5_data.keys(): # TODO check for orthogonality, normality self._projections.geometry.p_direction_0 = np.copy(h5_data['p_direction_0'][...]) self._projections.geometry.j_direction_0 = np.copy(h5_data['j_direction_0'][...]) self._projections.geometry.k_direction_0 = np.copy(h5_data['k_direction_0'][...])'Sample geometry loaded from file.') else:'No sample geometry information was found. Default mumott geometry assumed.') # Load detector geometry information if 'detector_direction_origin' in h5_data.keys(): # TODO check for orthogonality, normality self._projections.geometry.detector_direction_origin = np.copy( h5_data['detector_direction_origin'][...]) self._projections.geometry.detector_direction_positive_90 = np.copy( h5_data['detector_direction_positive_90'][...])'Detector geometry loaded from file.') else:'No detector geometry information was found. Default mumott geometry assumed.') # Load scattering angle if 'two_theta' in h5_data: self._projections.geometry.two_theta = np.array(h5_data['two_theta'])'Scattering angle loaded from data.') def _estimate_angular_coverage(self, detector_angles: list): """Check if full circle appears covered in data or not.""" delta = np.abs(detector_angles[0] - detector_angles[-1] % (2 * np.pi)) if abs(delta - np.pi) < min(delta, abs(delta - 2 * np.pi)): self.geometry.full_circle_covered = False else: logger.warning('The detector angles appear to cover a full circle. This ' 'is only expected for WAXS data.') self.geometry.full_circle_covered = True def _handle_nonfinite_values(self, array): """ Internal convenience function for handling nonfinite values. """ if np.any(~np.isfinite(array)): if self._nonfinite_replacement_value is not None: np.nan_to_num(array, copy=False, nan=self._nonfinite_replacement_value, posinf=self._nonfinite_replacement_value, neginf=self._nonfinite_replacement_value) else: raise ValueError('Nonfinite values detected in input, which is not permitted by default. ' 'To permit and replace nonfinite values, please set ' 'nonfinite_replacement_value to desired value.') def __len__(self) -> int: """ Length of the :attr:`projections <mumott.data_handling.projection_stack.ProjectionStack>` attached to this :class:`DataContainer` instance. """ return len(self._projections)
[docs] def append(self, f: Projection) -> None: """ Appends a :class:`Projection <mumott.core.projection_stack.Projection>` to the :attr:`projections` attached to this :class:`DataContainer` instance. """ self._projections.append(f)
@property def projections(self) -> ProjectionStack: """ The projections, containing data and geometry. """ return self._projections @property def geometry(self) -> Geometry: """ Container of geometry information. """ return self._projections.geometry @property def data(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """ The data in the :attr:`projections` object attached to this :class:`DataContainer` instance. """ return @property def diode(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """ The diode data in the :attr:`projections` object attached to this :class:`DataContainer` instance. """ return self._projections.diode @property def weights(self) -> NDArray[np.float64]: """ The weights in the :attr:`projections` object attached to this :class:`DataContainer` instance. """ return self._projections.weights
[docs] def correct_for_transmission(self) -> None: """ Applies correction from the input provided in the :attr:`diode <mumott.core.projection_stack.Projection.diode>` field. Should only be used if this correction has *not* been applied yet. """ if self._correct_for_transmission_called: 'DataContainer.correct_for_transmission() has been called already.' ' The correction has been applied previously, and the repeat call is ignored.') return data = / self._projections.diode[..., np.newaxis] for i, f in enumerate(self._projections): = data[i] self._correct_for_transmission_called = True
def _Rx(self, angle: float) -> NDArray[float]: """ Generate a rotation matrix for rotations around the x-axis, following the convention that vectors have components ordered ``(x, y, z)``. Parameters ---------- angle The angle of the rotation. Returns ------- R The rotation matrix. Notes ----- For a vector ``v`` with shape ``(..., 3)`` and a rotation angle :attr:`angle`, ``np.einsum('ji, ...i', _Rx(angle), v)`` rotates the vector around the ``x``-axis by :attr:`angle`. If the coordinate system is being rotated, then ``np.einsum('ij, ...i', _Rx(angle), v)`` gives the vector in the new coordinate system. """ return Rotation.from_euler('X', angle).as_matrix() def _Ry(self, angle: float) -> NDArray[float]: """ Generate a rotation matrix for rotations around the y-axis, following the convention that vectors have components ordered ``(x, y, z)``. Parameters ---------- angle The angle of the rotation. Returns ------- R The rotation matrix. Notes ----- For a vector ``v`` with shape ``(..., 3)`` and a rotation angle ``angle``, ``np.einsum('ji, ...i', _Ry(angle), v)`` rotates the vector around the For a vector ``v`` with shape ``(..., 3)`` and a rotation angle :attr:`angle`, ``np.einsum('ji, ...i', _Ry(angle), v)`` rotates the vector around the ``y``-axis by :attr:`angle`. If the coordinate system is being rotated, then ``np.einsum('ij, ...i', _Ry(angle), v)`` gives the vector in the new coordinate system. """ return Rotation.from_euler('Y', angle).as_matrix() def _Rz(self, angle: float) -> NDArray[float]: """ Generate a rotation matrix for rotations around the z-axis, following the convention that vectors have components ordered ``(x, y, z)``. Parameters ---------- angle The angle of the rotation. Returns ------- R The rotation matrix. Notes ----- For a vector ``v`` with shape ``(..., 3)`` and a rotation angle :attr:`angle`, ``np.einsum('ji, ...i', _Rz(angle), v)`` rotates the vector around the ``z``-axis by :attr:`angle`. If the coordinate system is being rotated, then ``np.einsum('ij, ...i', _Rz(angle), v)`` gives the vector in the new coordinate system. """ return Rotation.from_euler('Z', angle).as_matrix() def _get_str_representation(self, max_lines=50) -> str: """ Retrieves a string representation of the object with specified maximum number of lines. Parameters ---------- max_lines The maximum number of lines to return. """ wdt = 74 s = [] s += ['=' * wdt] s += ['DataContainer'.center(wdt)] s += ['-' * wdt] s += ['{:26} : {}'.format('Corrected for transmission', self._correct_for_transmission_called)] truncated_s = [] leave_loop = False while not leave_loop: line = s.pop(0).split('\n') for split_line in line: if split_line != '': truncated_s += [split_line] if len(truncated_s) > max_lines - 2: if split_line != '...': truncated_s += ['...'] if split_line != ('=' * wdt): truncated_s += ['=' * wdt] leave_loop = True break if len(s) == 0: leave_loop = True truncated_s += ['=' * wdt] return '\n'.join(truncated_s) def __str__(self) -> str: return self._get_str_representation() def _get_html_representation(self, max_lines=25) -> str: """ Retrieves an html representation of the object with specified maximum number of lines. Parameters ---------- max_lines The maximum number of lines to return. """ s = [] s += ['<h3>DataContainer</h3>'] s += ['<table border="1" class="dataframe">'] s += ['<thead><tr><th style="text-align: left;">Field</th><th>Size</th></tr></thead>'] s += ['<tbody>'] s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">Number of projections</td>'] s += [f'<td>{len(self._projections)}</td></tr>'] s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">Corrected for transmission</td>'] s += [f'<td>{self._correct_for_transmission_called}</td></tr>'] s += ['</tbody>'] s += ['</table>'] truncated_s = [] line_count = 0 leave_loop = False while not leave_loop: line = s.pop(0).split('\n') for split_line in line: truncated_s += [split_line] if '</tr>' in split_line: line_count += 1 # Catch if last line had ellipses last_tr = split_line if line_count > max_lines - 1: if last_tr != '<tr><td style="text-align: left;">...</td></tr>': truncated_s += ['<tr><td style="text-align: left;">...</td></tr>'] truncated_s += ['</tbody>'] truncated_s += ['</table>'] leave_loop = True break if len(s) == 0: leave_loop = True return '\n'.join(truncated_s) def _repr_html_(self) -> str: return self._get_html_representation()