import sys
import numpy as np
import tqdm
from numba import cuda
from mumott.core.john_transform_sparse_cuda import (john_transform_sparse_cuda,
from mumott.core.cuda_kernels import (cuda_weighted_difference, cuda_scaled_difference,
cuda_sum, cuda_rescale, cuda_difference,
cuda_l1_gradient, cuda_tv_gradient, cuda_weighted_sign,
from mumott.data_handling import DataContainer
from mumott.methods.basis_sets import GaussianKernels
from mumott.methods.basis_sets.base_basis_set import BasisSet
from mumott.methods.projectors import SAXSProjectorCUDA
from mumott.methods.utilities import get_tensor_sirt_weights, get_tensor_sirt_preconditioner
from mumott.optimization.regularizers import L1Norm, TotalVariation
[docs]def run_stsirt(data_container: DataContainer,
maxiter: int = 10,
sparsity_count: int = 3,
basis_set: BasisSet = None,
update_frequency: int = 5):
"""A sparse basis implementation of the tensor SIRT algorithm (Sparse Tensor SIRT).
This approach uses only
asynchronous, in-place operations on the GPU, and is therefore much faster
than standard pipelines, as well as more memory-efficient.
In exchange, it is less modular and requires a relatively sparse basis set.
The data.
Maximum number of iterations.
The maximum number of non-zero matrix elements per detector segment,
if using the default ``BasisSet``. Not used if a custom ``BasisSet`` is provided.
A custom ``BasisSet`` instance. By default, a ``GaussianKernels`` with
``enforce_sparsity=True`` and ``sparsity_count=sparsity_count`` is used.
Synchronization and norm reduction progress printing frequency. If set too small,
the optimization will be slower due to frequent host-device synchronization. This effect
can be seen by noting the iterations per second on the progress bar. The printed
norm does not account for the total variation regularization.
Dictionary with ``reconstruction``, ``projector``, ``basis_set`` entries.
# Create projector for simple fetching of parameters
projector = SAXSProjectorCUDA(data_container.geometry)
if basis_set is None:
grid_scale =[-1] // 2 + 1
basis_set = GaussianKernels(grid_scale=grid_scale,
# Get weights, etc
weights = get_tensor_sirt_weights(projector=projector,
weights[data_container.projections.weights <= 0.] = 0.
weights = cuda.to_device(weights.astype(np.float32))
preconditioner = cuda.to_device(get_tensor_sirt_preconditioner(
projector=projector, basis_set=basis_set).astype(np.float32))
sparse_matrix = basis_set.csr_representation
# Allocate matricess, compile kernels
reconstruction = cuda.to_device(
np.zeros(tuple(data_container.geometry.volume_shape) + (len(basis_set),), dtype=np.float32))
projections = cuda.to_device(np.zeros_like(, dtype=np.float32))
forward = john_transform_sparse_cuda(reconstruction, projections,
sparse_matrix, *projector.john_transform_parameters)
adjoint = john_transform_adjoint_sparse_cuda(reconstruction, projections,
sparse_matrix, *projector.john_transform_parameters)
weighted_difference = cuda_weighted_difference(projections.shape)
scaled_difference = cuda_scaled_difference(reconstruction.shape)
data = cuda.to_device(
gradient = cuda.to_device(np.zeros(reconstruction.shape, dtype=np.float32))
# Run asynchronous reconstruction
pbar = tqdm.trange(maxiter, file=sys.stdout)
for i in range(maxiter):
# compute residual gradient
weighted_difference(data, projections, weights)
# compute gradient with respect to john transform
adjoint(gradient, projections)
# update reconstruction
scaled_difference(gradient, reconstruction, preconditioner)
# forward john transform
forward(reconstruction, projections)
# update user on progress
if (i + 1) % update_frequency == 0:
return dict(reconstruction=np.array(reconstruction), projector=projector, basis_set=basis_set,
[docs]def run_smotr(data_container: DataContainer,
maxiter: int = 10,
sparsity_count: int = 3,
momentum: float = 0.9,
l1_weight: float = 1e-3,
tv_weight: float = 1e-3,
basis_set: BasisSet = None,
update_frequency: int = 5,
lower_bound: float = None,
step_size: float = 1.):
""" SMOTR (Sparse MOmentum Total variation Reconstruction) pipeline
that uses asynchronous GPU (device) computations only
during the reconstruction. This leads to a large speedup compared to standard pipelines
which synchronize with the CPU several times per iteration. However, this implementation
is less modular than standard pipelines.
This pipeline uses Nestorov Momentum in combination with total variation and L1 regularization,
as well as the Tensor SIRT preconditioner-weight pair.
This is also a highly efficient implementation with respect to device memory, as all arithmetic
operations are done in-place.
The container for the data.
Maximum number of iterations.
The maximum number of non-zero matrix elements per detector segment.
Momentum for the Nestorov gradient
Weight for L1 regularization.
Weight for total variation regularization.
User-provided basis set to be used, if desired.
By default, a ``GaussianKernels`` basis set is used.
Synchronization and norm reduction progress printing frequency. If set too small,
the optimization will be slower due to frequent host-device synchronization. This effect
can be seen by noting the iterations per second on the progress bar. The printed
norm does not account for the total variation regularization.
Lower bound to threshold coefficients at in each iteration. Can be used to
e.g. enforce non-negativity for local basis sets such as ``GaussianKernels``.
Not used if set to ``None``, which is the default settingz.
Step size for each iteration in the reconstruction. Default value is ``1.`` which
should be a suitable value in the vast majority of cases, due to the normalizing
effect of the weight-preconditioner pair used.
Dictionary with ``reconstruction``, ``projector``, ``basis_set``, ``loss_curve`` entries.
``loss_curve`` is an array with ``maxiter // update_frequency`` rows where the entries
in each column are ``iteration, loss, residual_norm, tv_norm``.
projector = SAXSProjectorCUDA(data_container.geometry)
if basis_set is None:
grid_scale =[-1] // 2 + 1
basis_set = GaussianKernels(grid_scale=grid_scale,
weights = get_tensor_sirt_weights(projector=projector,
weights[data_container.projections.weights <= 0.] = 0.
host_weights = weights.astype(np.float32)
weights = cuda.to_device(host_weights)
step_size = np.float32(step_size)
preconditioner = cuda.to_device(
step_size * get_tensor_sirt_preconditioner(
projector=projector, basis_set=basis_set).astype(np.float32))
sparse_matrix = basis_set.csr_representation
reconstruction = cuda.to_device(
np.zeros(tuple(data_container.geometry.volume_shape) + (len(basis_set),), dtype=np.float32))
# Compile all CUDA kernels:
projections = cuda.to_device(np.zeros_like(, dtype=np.float32))
forward = john_transform_sparse_cuda(reconstruction, projections,
sparse_matrix, *projector.john_transform_parameters)
adjoint = john_transform_adjoint_sparse_cuda(reconstruction, projections,
sparse_matrix, *projector.john_transform_parameters)
weighted_difference = cuda_weighted_difference(projections.shape)
difference = cuda_difference(reconstruction.shape)
sum_kernel = cuda_sum(reconstruction.shape)
l1_gradient = cuda_l1_gradient(reconstruction.shape, l1_weight)
tv_gradient = cuda_tv_gradient(reconstruction.shape, tv_weight)
scale_array = cuda_rescale_array(reconstruction.shape)
rescale = cuda_rescale(reconstruction.shape, momentum)
# Allocate remaining CUDA arrays
data = cuda.to_device(
host_data =
host_projections = np.array(projections)
gradient = cuda.to_device(np.zeros(reconstruction.shape, dtype=np.float32))
total_gradient = cuda.to_device(np.zeros(reconstruction.shape, dtype=np.float32))
diff = host_projections - host_data
lf = (host_weights * diff * diff).sum()
pbar = tqdm.trange(maxiter, file=sys.stdout)
pbar.set_description(f'Loss: {lf:.2e}')
loss_curve = []
host_l1 = L1Norm()
host_tv = TotalVariation(None)
if lower_bound is not None:
lower_kernel = cuda_lower_bound(reconstruction.shape, lower_bound)
# Actual reconstruction. This part executes asynchronously.
for i in range(maxiter):
# compute residual gradient
weighted_difference(data, projections, weights)
# compute gradient with respect to john transform
adjoint(gradient, projections)
# apply preconditioner
scale_array(gradient, preconditioner)
# apply regularization
l1_gradient(reconstruction, gradient)
tv_gradient(reconstruction, gradient)
# apply gradient (correction term)
difference(reconstruction, gradient)
# add to accumulated gradient
sum_kernel(total_gradient, gradient)
# scale by momentum coefficient
# apply gradient (momentum term)
difference(reconstruction, total_gradient)
# threshold
if lower_bound is not None:
# forward john transform
forward(reconstruction, projections)
# compute host-side quantities to update user on progress.
if (i + 1) % update_frequency == 0:
# forces synchronization
host_projections = np.array(projections)
host_recon = np.array(reconstruction)
rg1 = host_l1.get_regularization_norm(host_recon)['regularization_norm']
rg2 = host_tv.get_regularization_norm(host_recon)['regularization_norm']
diff = host_projections - host_data
rn = (host_weights * diff * diff).sum()
lf = rg1 * l1_weight + rg2 * tv_weight + rn
loss_curve.append((i, lf, rn, rg1, rg2))
pbar.set_description(f'Loss: {lf:.2e} Res.norm: {rn:.2e} L1 norm: {rg1:.2e} TV norm: {rg2:.2e}')
return dict(reconstruction=np.array(reconstruction), projector=projector, basis_set=basis_set,
projection=np.array(projections), loss_curve=np.array(loss_curve))
[docs]def run_spradtt(data_container: DataContainer,
maxiter: int = 10,
sparsity_count: int = 3,
momentum: float = 0.9,
step_size: float = 1.,
delta: float = 1.,
tv_weight: float = 1e-3,
basis_set: BasisSet = None,
lower_bound: float = 0.,
update_frequency: int = 5):
""" SPRADTT (SParse Robust And Denoised Tensor Tomography) pipeline
that uses asynchronous GPU (device) computations only
during the reconstruction. This leads to a large speedup compared to standard pipelines
which synchronize with the CPU several times per iteration. However, this is only suitable
for sparse representations and therefore this implementation
is less modular than standard pipelines.
This pipeline uses Nestorov accelerated gradient descent, with a Huber loss function
and total variation regularization. This reconstruction approach requires a large number
of iterations, but is robust to outliers in the data.
This is also a highly efficient implementation with respect to device memory, as all arithmetic
operations are done in-place.
The container for the data.
Maximum number of iterations.
The maximum number of non-zero matrix elements per detector segment.
Momentum for the Nestorov gradient. Should be in the range ``[0., 1.]``.
Step size for L1 optimization. Step size for
L2 part of optimization is ``step_size / (2 * delta)``. A good choice
for the step size is typically around the same order of magnitude
as each coefficient of the reconstruction.
Threshold for transition to L2 optimization. Should be small relative to data.
Does not affect total variation.
Weight for total variation regularization.
User-provided basis set to be used, if desired.
By default, a ``GaussianKernels`` basis set is used.
Lower bound to threshold coefficients at in each iteration. Can be used to
e.g. enforce non-negativity for local basis sets such as ``GaussianKernels``.
Not used if set to ``None``, which is the default settingz.
Synchronization and norm reduction progress printing frequency. If set too small,
the optimization will be slower due to frequent host-device synchronization. This effect
can be seen by noting the iterations per second on the progress bar. The printed
norm does not account for the total variation regularization.
Dictionary with ``reconstruction``, ``projector``, ``basis_set``, ``loss_curve`` entries.
projector = SAXSProjectorCUDA(data_container.geometry)
if basis_set is None:
grid_scale =[-1] // 2 + 1
basis_set = GaussianKernels(grid_scale=grid_scale,
weights = get_tensor_sirt_weights(projector=projector,
weights[data_container.projections.weights <= 0.] = 0.
host_weights = weights.astype(np.float32)
weights = cuda.to_device(weights.astype(np.float32))
preconditioner = cuda.to_device(
(step_size) * get_tensor_sirt_preconditioner(
projector=projector, basis_set=basis_set).astype(np.float32))
sparse_matrix = basis_set.csr_representation
reconstruction = cuda.to_device(
np.zeros(tuple(data_container.geometry.volume_shape) + (len(basis_set),), dtype=np.float32))
# Compile all CUDA kernels
projections = cuda.to_device(np.zeros_like(, dtype=np.float32))
forward = john_transform_sparse_cuda(reconstruction, projections,
sparse_matrix, *projector.john_transform_parameters)
adjoint = john_transform_adjoint_sparse_cuda(reconstruction, projections,
sparse_matrix, *projector.john_transform_parameters)
weighted_sign = cuda_weighted_sign(projections.shape, delta)
difference = cuda_difference(reconstruction.shape)
sum_kernel = cuda_sum(reconstruction.shape)
tv_gradient = cuda_tv_gradient(reconstruction.shape, tv_weight)
scale_array = cuda_rescale_array(reconstruction.shape)
rescale = cuda_rescale(reconstruction.shape, momentum)
if lower_bound is not None:
threshold_lower = cuda_lower_bound(reconstruction.shape, lower_bound)
# Allocate remaining CUDA arrays
host_data =
data = cuda.to_device(
gradient = cuda.to_device(np.zeros(reconstruction.shape, dtype=np.float32))
total_gradient = cuda.to_device(np.zeros(reconstruction.shape, dtype=np.float32))
# Create necessary host-side objects for output
pbar = tqdm.trange(maxiter, file=sys.stdout)
host_projections = np.array(projections)
lf = (host_weights * abs(host_projections - host_data)).sum()
rg = 0.
pbar.set_description(f'Loss: {lf:.2e} Res.norm: {lf:.2e} TV norm: {rg:.2e}')
loss_curve = []
host_tv = TotalVariation(None)
# Actual reconstruction. This part executes asynchronously.
for i in range(maxiter):
# residual norm gradient
weighted_sign(data, projections, weights)
# john transform gradient
adjoint(gradient, projections)
# apply preconditioner
scale_array(gradient, preconditioner)
# apply total variation regularization
tv_gradient(reconstruction, gradient)
# update reconstruction by gradient (correction term)
difference(reconstruction, gradient)
# compute updated momentum term
sum_kernel(total_gradient, gradient)
# apply momentum decay
# update reconstruction by gradient (momentum term)
difference(reconstruction, total_gradient)
# threshold by lower bound
if lower_bound is not None:
# forward john transform
forward(reconstruction, projections)
# compute host-side quantities to update user on progress
if (i + 1) % update_frequency == 0:
# forces synchronization
host_projections = np.array(projections)
host_recon = np.array(reconstruction)
rg = host_tv.get_regularization_norm(host_recon)['regularization_norm']
diff = host_projections - host_data
rn = (host_weights * diff * diff).sum()
lf = rg * tv_weight + rn
loss_curve.append((i, lf, rn, rg))
pbar.set_description(f'Loss: {lf:.2e} Res.norm: {rn:.2e} TV norm: {rg:.2e}')
return dict(reconstruction=np.array(reconstruction), projector=projector,
basis_set=basis_set, projection=np.array(projections), loss_curve=np.array(loss_curve))